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  1. brainsoft

    Fury is my Hero

    Hahah, Hreo. I say we never let her live it down... =)
  2. brainsoft

    Who's the site owner?

    Sin2 used to own it and I was there right beside him when we started it. Sin2 didn't have the time to take care of it though, so Neo took over. Neo owns the site =)
  3. brainsoft

    What's heating up YOUR computer room?

    Why, myself of course! I'm hot and in my room!
  4. brainsoft

    If your AVATAR suddenly stopped working... *FIXED PATH**

    Butchsor, I think this may apply to you? ^^bump
  5. brainsoft

    Forgot to turn off the webcam

    Oh my, that's halirious! He was really getting down there too, and it's all caught online! bwahahaha
  6. brainsoft

    Try this out

    I got 8 the first time, but didn't get that again, and I don't plan on playing it long enough to bet it.
  7. brainsoft

    So, what's YOUR text size?

    19" (18" viewable) I set it at Medium. If the site I'm viewign is using a smaller than normal font, I'll change it. I didn't even know that there was an option there for that! I've always just held control and rolled the scroll wheel up or down.
  8. brainsoft

    Hey, NEO... I have a problem...

    Ask Fury, he's the one that set it up. Most likely he'll not know though. I saw that menu and another site on the same day that fury set it up here, and if the point was anywhere in the space beside, ANYWHERE across the browser window, it would pop out, even if it was inches away, which kinda...
  9. brainsoft

    XiBase original links page

    Extreme Sports Sites</p> <ul><li><a href=""></a>: All kinds of board sports in one great site site. Features skate-, snow-, surf- and wake-boarding, plus much more.</li> <li><a href="">Transworld Skateboarding</a>...
  10. brainsoft

    Happy Birthday brainsoft

    You through me a party, but decline to inform me!! Now my birthday is over and my Cel Phone still isn't here! It should be here tomorrow though! yay!
  11. brainsoft

    Where's my avatar?
  12. brainsoft

    If your AVATAR suddenly stopped working... *FIXED PATH**

    Update: Final place for avatar files If your avitar was located in on of the old FuseTalk directories and stopped working today, the cause could be because I have removed the old directory (after backing them up of course). If this has happened to you, don't fear, I kept the icons and moved...
  13. brainsoft

    example of idiocy

    I replied, what a fucking savage.
  14. brainsoft

    Juat thought I should explain

    lol @ Flavio! That's a crazy coincidence!
  15. brainsoft


    Beer should be taxed more, not cut in price! I know that if smokes were cheeper when I smoked, I would have smoked a LOT more, it works the same with alcohol. Oh well, I don't live in the states anyways... edit: i like to speel ;) :p
  16. brainsoft

    Wouldn't you rather ESCAPE from prison...

    You raise an excellent point. Can't you just stick with ONE account please? You're giving me a headache
  17. brainsoft

    Roll Call .......................all Women come post......

    Oh, my bad! Don't I looked freaking amazing?
  18. brainsoft

    This links for you Neo

    I want the last 15 minutes of my lisfe back. I can't believe I kept reading! It was like an body at an accident, I just couldn't look away, iy was so horrible!
  19. brainsoft

    This links for you Neo

    *click* thump