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  1. brainsoft


    What is this, the UN or something? Who invited all these freaking countries in here? Isn't this a board for PEOPLE?
  2. brainsoft

    Plans for the 4th

    Many yanks get the whole week off, so those that do will laugh at us kitten I'll be starting summer school. Who has a holiday on the 4th anyways?! JULY 1ST, now that'sa good day for a holiday. If someone were to have a holiday today, I would definately attend, 100% for sure!
  3. brainsoft


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA! You are 132 years old! How does it feel?
  4. brainsoft


    Damn you!
  5. brainsoft

    The Collective

    The question isn't whether I can resist you, but rather: can you resist ME?! Bwahahaha
  6. brainsoft

    Kindly Fugu

    That's kinda strange there Fugu...
  7. brainsoft

    My LODE RUNNER Adventure

    In case any of you were wondering, here is the link to the game Nix mentioned! Catch The Sperm
  8. brainsoft

    All your clock cycles are belong to us (Welcome to the Collective)

    I think the XiBase members should all contribute to one account on te OCN team. We could pillage their village! :)
  9. brainsoft

    Need opinion on MPEG crunching

    WHy not convert them to DivX?
  10. brainsoft

    Mac OS X basically unix with a pretty shell. does this mean...

    Mac tries to hide it, saying it's not unix, it's something else (I forget the name). That something else is unix though :D
  11. brainsoft

    So, how do YOU pronounce Linux?

  12. brainsoft

    MS wants to tell you where to go today.

    Unbelievable! I wish the writer had said which build he had seen this "feature" in though...
  13. brainsoft

    Will you upgrade...

    I most likely will. The prtection is easy to crack, and having a Win9x emulator in Win2k is wicked cool. Skins and such I could care less about though.
  14. brainsoft

    My LODE RUNNER Adventure

    You don't know what Lode Runner is?!
  15. brainsoft

    Distraught icq ramblings

    I am confused.... :confused: See, the confussed face proves that I am confused! see, there it is again! ---> :confused:
  16. brainsoft

    Whacked story

    Ouch, that has got to hurt! But it's funny because it's not me! Hahahaha!
  17. brainsoft

    My LODE RUNNER Adventure

    Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go play it. Wait, I have to go to the library, they're accusing me of not returning a book when I already rturned it, a day BEFORE it was due no less. Wait, my laundry is still wet, I gotta finsh that before I can go out, otherwise I'd be too exposed for a...
  18. brainsoft

    My LODE RUNNER Adventure

    I recently decided I wanted to play Lode Runner again, it had been ages since I last played it on my Atari and it had come up in conversation more than once in the last few weeks. I found the original pretty quickly, a few claiming to be the original, though I'm still not sure which is the...
  19. brainsoft

    Can Someone With The Original CD of... ™

    Wish I could help you Toolbox, never heard of them though =(
  20. brainsoft

    Ideas for a name for this forum (decided)

    Ground Zero, sounds cool. Speak Easy, I like that. God knows there's enough booze around here...