Search results

  1. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    I fixed it, then changed it to html to actually make it big.
  2. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    <p><u><b><font color="#FF0000" style="font-size: 72pt">YUH</font><font color="#FF0000" style="font-size: 72pt"> HUH!</font></b></u></p>
  3. brainsoft


    That is quite clever there. Who ever did those could have too much time on their hands AND be good at scrabble though. It's more likely both then it is one or the other. :D
  4. brainsoft

    Is fury a poll nut?

    I'm scared
  5. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    Fury, stop ramming s00z, that's the only reason she's yelling!
  6. brainsoft

    How much are you willing to spend on cooling?

    I'm willing to spend a little bit, to get a nice post-retail heatsink/fan, but I sure as hell ain't going to spend that much, I don't think it's worth it, atleast it isn't for me.
  7. brainsoft

    anyone seen swordfish?

    I thought it was quite good. Good action, good computer techism, more so than most movies, and t had elements of Fught Club plot-ism, and Mission Impossible 1 character relations, or something to that effect. Good movie the first time, will make more sense the second time! :D
  8. brainsoft

    Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

    Was okay, but I her breasts didn't do anything for me. The bra lines stood out too much, they were too pointy, and yes, they jiggled excessively. And besides, I had the perfect pair beside me!
  9. brainsoft

    Dear Dr. Laura

    Oh my, now THAT'S going the distance for something you believe in!
  10. brainsoft

    Am I evil?

    Same here, I own every single one!
  11. brainsoft

    Diablo 2 Expansion Pack

    I personally never got into the game. I always felt the resolution was too low, it always looked like crap and a half on my 19", and I felt the graphics were dated. I lover NOX though, great games, though much too short. As usual,I have the D2 expansion as well, never played it...
  12. brainsoft

    What is your favorite genre?

    I fixed it for you Jim, I never really liked the term Adventure, I can't think of a game that fits in that group even. Me, I like the shooters now and then, but I'll always be an RTS man at heart!
  13. brainsoft

    Is there a Posty in the house?

    I've not installed the new RedHat, but I know in Mnadrake it asks you which cds from the list you have. If you don't want to use the second cd, then you just don't check it at the beginning. I always install everything I can. I need to get drake on THIS damnmachine and VMWare set up and...
  14. brainsoft

    What flavor of Unix?

    yes... :D
  15. brainsoft

    What's the newest release of WHISTLER?

    Up at (or past now, i'm not sure which) WinXP 2505 (RC-1)
  16. brainsoft

    MS Windows XP has a massive security flaw

    I read all the articles in the DDoS section, VERY interesting read if you have the time, very interesting indeed.
  17. brainsoft

    I need to completely remove this proggie

    Win2k - Right click > Open With > Select program > check always use > OK Win9x - select the file > SHIFT + Right click > Open With > ... (same as above now)
  18. brainsoft

    What version?

    Win2k primarily, but I have most of those listed there, including, but not limited to Windows 1 and Windows286 (I added the nick name to the poll :))
  19. brainsoft

    I'm a stranger

    When I searched for users to send that first "stranger" too, I messed up I guess, and some a few people got it that I didn't intend too. Oh well, hopefully everyone got the second email, the one with the new board address and what not!
  20. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    You Sad Sad F*ck, tsk tsk Ahhhhhhh, I can't find what I'm looking for!