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  1. brainsoft


    Both very funny! Good job suzie Q
  2. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    Exactly! Take a look at Anandtech! Their forums look like shit! 18 forums all bashed together! booo!
  3. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    There's no clutter, it's the exact opposite... it's called organization! You know? that thing they use to make things easier to read and sort and stuff? I know it's pretty new, but you should try it some time.
  4. brainsoft

    I'm a stranger

    Glad my email actually did something constructive!
  5. brainsoft

    You don't like the Categories?

    I think that the categories are good, they devide the forum into pieces, making the correct forum easy to find. I find it confusing when there are a bunch of forums all bunched together without any spaces to divide them up in any way. How do you guys feel about them?
  6. brainsoft

    Die win98 Die!!!

    Gozilla ia also chock-full of SPYWARE! Download Accelerator for me! So much easier and faster!
  7. brainsoft

    New Software

    vBB fixed every little thing that I had a problem with in UBB 6.04!
  8. brainsoft

    Please respond: What browser you using & do you have problems with the menu?

    Fury, are we going to implement the menu again?
  9. brainsoft

    Die win98 Die!!!

    I need damn cds to clear out this freaking drive! I want to go Mandrake as primary THIS SUMMER! I'm going to start with burning my mp3 cds, I can do that with these small 74min cds!
  10. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    Shaddup, I fixed it dammit! I'll tell you what happened with Speed Disk.... sit down and pull up a chair (or vice versa if you prefer). 3:00a - Schedualed start 7:00a - 7%. 6:00p - 12%. 6:30p - 12%. Nix installs The Sims while defrag is running. The drive was already chock full of...
  11. brainsoft

    What do you think of my new AVATAR?

    cool, me too. It IS a private server though... so I"m not surprised. If you wanna see it in full size, contact me (icq, etc) and I'll send it to you!
  12. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    NAV-NT @ 99% Defrag @ 0% back to bed I go now, I should have stayed there in the first place, but oh well.
  13. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    NAV-NT @ 33% Should have thought just a little hard about the correct spelling... :o
  14. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    NAV-NT @ 24%
  15. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    NAV-NT @ 15%
  16. brainsoft

    System maintenance tonight!

    I'm running a full system virus scan right now, going SO slow, then I'm going to defrag my 30gb drive. I've not done either of this since I did the current install, I don't even know how long ago that was anymore, but MANY months anyways....
  17. brainsoft

    What do you think of my new AVATAR?

    How do you like it? I spammed the full version in chat the other night, and it's such a cool picture. It's so cool infact that I shrunk it down and made it my kick-ass avatar! *Do you want to see the big picture? DON'T Click here, it's not a link anymore!!* The url is protected, so contact me...
  18. brainsoft

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    hahahahha, *chuckle* *snort* whoa, that was pretty clever, and painful Flurffy
  19. brainsoft

    Picnic Time!!!

    Associating with a member that has been banned from HWC more times than anyone I know, so many that I can barely count them on one hand, Toolbox? That can't be healthy...
  20. brainsoft

    Can Someone With The Original CD of... ™

    I kid you not! I think I may have heard it mentioned before, perhaps from you, I"m not sure, but I've never HEARD it before.