There's no clutter, it's the exact opposite... it's called organization! You know? that thing they use to make things easier to read and sort and stuff? I know it's pretty new, but you should try it some time.
I think that the categories are good, they devide the forum into pieces, making the correct forum easy to find. I find it confusing when there are a bunch of forums all bunched together without any spaces to divide them up in any way.
How do you guys feel about them?
I need damn cds to clear out this freaking drive! I want to go Mandrake as primary THIS SUMMER!
I'm going to start with burning my mp3 cds, I can do that with these small 74min cds!
Shaddup, I fixed it dammit!
I'll tell you what happened with Speed Disk.... sit down and pull up a chair (or vice versa if you prefer).
3:00a - Schedualed start
7:00a - 7%.
6:00p - 12%.
6:30p - 12%. Nix installs The Sims while defrag is running. The drive was already chock full of...
I'm running a full system virus scan right now, going SO slow, then I'm going to defrag my 30gb drive.
I've not done either of this since I did the current install, I don't even know how long ago that was anymore, but MANY months anyways....
How do you like it? I spammed the full version in chat the other night, and it's such a cool picture. It's so cool infact that I shrunk it down and made it my kick-ass avatar!
*Do you want to see the big picture? DON'T Click here, it's not a link anymore!!* The url is protected, so contact me...
Associating with a member that has been banned from HWC more times than anyone I know, so many that I can barely count them on one hand, Toolbox? That can't be healthy...