Professur said:Here's an idea. Why have they never tried filling a Reese's with ...... jelly?
Professur said:It wouldn't be gross. And what goes together more often? Peanut butter and chocolate, or peanut butter and jelly? When's the last time you heard of a kid asking Mom for a PB&C sandwich? It doesn't fucking happen, that's when.
Professur said:Just a bit of jelly in the centre. In the middle of the peanut butter.
Oh, and
*takes HL's gooey Reeses' and stuffs them into Nixy's bra.*
*rubs two on her face just for good measure*
Nixy said:*licks as much melted reeses off her face as she can*
Professur said:Hey, you can't pull that sundae shit on a Monday!!!!!
*fires a Supersoaker full of tequila at HL*
Nixy said:*jumps infront of spray with her mouth open*
Professur said:Sorry, I'm spraying into Ga. You're too young to drink there.
Nixy said:Um I'm 22 hun...DO try to keep with the program.