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  1. Professur

    Okay Girls and Boys.....*Rating Pic. Time*

    ROFL. I can see Hani going through the roof from here.:D
  2. Professur

    Best way to ask a girl out

    And now you know better than to ask folk here a question like that.
  3. Professur


    Frosted Frog. But then, noone else here will have ever tried it.
  4. Professur

    Which ride?

    I've always liked the Nighthawk.
  5. Professur

    A message from Jacub

    Hey Jacub io;jwertga09qjlasd98 kjaf9 askdjf? as;kjld39098skjl j;as9 jk;s90 lk376.
  6. Professur

    Q's b-day

    Happy B-day. Enjoy your granite woohoo. Try not to wear it out.:D
  7. Professur


    Um ... the car cost me $800. BTW I changed the plugs, wires, and brakes the week I bought it. Just had to buy 4 tires for it, too. The idea of putting out nearly a grand more on an '88 doesn't thrill me. Espescially since the clutch is probably gonna need changed soon too. But it runs well...
  8. Professur


    Frig. That's what I was affraid of. She just turned 200,000km. I guess I'll have the head gasket and the timing belt done at the same time.
  9. Professur


    Oooo. That's nasty. Remind me never to let you talk to my wife. She doesn't need the help.:D But why solid black?
  10. Professur

    Have now have an ICQ #!

    I can't from here. The work's firewall won't pass it. I'll get you when I get home.
  11. Professur


    Hmmm. Marbles and a granite woohoo... :D So you're trying to say, you're getting granite floor tiles? Or a dais?
  12. Professur

    Well I did it finally, I bought a motherboard

    But it's pretty much a paperweight until you get that CPU.:D BTW how much?
  13. Professur

    Water Cooling question

    True. but Oh so effective.
  14. Professur

    Now, that was interesting...

    I'm beating up a 96AA right now.
  15. Professur


    Great. Somewhere to get answers for the questions in my forum:D BTW I've got an oil leak from around the head gasket of my Mitsubishi Mirage 1.6 turbo. Does this mean I need to replace the head gasket, or are there rubber o-rings?
  16. Professur


    You're getting a granite woohoo? I didn't know they made them out of granite. I thought they were all either plastic or latex. Some silicone rubber too. But I've never heard of granite ones.
  17. Professur


    Yeah, but what happens when they find it cheaper to farm them than trap them?
  18. Professur

    How about that....I live in the best place in the world...

    Looks like I have to move again.
  19. Professur

    Just flaunting...

    Yes it is. They just legalised it for medicinal purposes last week.
  20. Professur

    Whacked story of the day

    Some people are too dumb to live.