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  1. Professur

    What version?

    ME is the only version of Win I don't have installed somewhere. I installed it on my laptop, and flushed it within the week. Imagine, no dos machine. Sheesh.:rolleyes:
  2. Professur

    Tips from Martha Stewart...and some guy

    The only way alka-seltzer is gonna get to my toilet is when I'm trying to deal with a 3-day hangover. And it won't be doing a whole lot of cleaning either.
  3. Professur

    Will you upgrade...

    They can have my Win3.1 when they pry it from my cold dead hands.
  4. Professur

    Gas @ 59.3/L

    Me too. But all my cousins are green.
  5. Professur

    Gas @ 59.3/L

    I don't pay any attention to the local sports teams. Compared to a Rangers/Celtics game, they're just lame. And as for what's wrong with TO ... all the ex-montrealers. What a bunch of freaking whiners.
  6. Professur

    Super Mario?

    I do NOT want to know how you pulled that back up.
  7. Professur

    Ya leave for a while

    I hope you won't mind if I start early .... like Friday:D
  8. Professur

    The New York - Florida connection

    Where'd the guy from Iowa come from?
  9. Professur

    Gas @ 59.3/L

    It would take a lot more than cheap gas to ever make me want to live in TO. 'sides, I paid 63.9/l on the weekend in Blainville.
  10. Professur

    Dating: Relationships

    Dating anytime is fine. A relationship will grow when it's ready. Calling dating a relationship is the fastest way I know to guarentee it never will be.
  11. Professur

    Boy or girl?

    I P Standing.:D
  12. Professur

    What's for dinner?

    Photos please. This I gotta see.
  13. Professur

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Ick! I'm gonna whork.
  14. Professur

    What's for dinner?

  15. Professur

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    I'll have some of whatever he just ordered:D
  16. Professur

    computer died again

    Care to post the make and model?
  17. Professur

    What'll it be, Mac?

    1: Wine? We don't drink no steenken whine 2: Famous Grouse 3: McEwans Export or Tennants 80 shilling. 4: Rum 'n' Coke .... If there's nothing better availible.
  18. Professur

    Something to celebrate about

    Get Thee behind me Satan!!
  19. Professur

    The New York - Florida connection

    I kinda liked it. But then, I'm not really a Canadian.:D
  20. Professur

    Just flaunting...

    Canada: where pot is legal, with a note from your mom.:D