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  1. Professur

    poll. How did you get your Operating System?

    I paid for dos 4.0. Since then, I've used the free upgrade plan.
  2. Professur

    All your clock cycles are belong to us (Welcome to the Collective)

    You're dating him. What were the odds?:D
  3. Professur

    XiBase SETI

    There is.
  4. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    Look out, it's gonna hit the fan!!!!!
  5. Professur

    Q's b-day

    *smacks SL across the back of the head* G.R.A.N.I.T.E. not G.R.A.P.H.I.T.E. you ditz!:smash:
  6. Professur


    No, no, no. We're trying to compete with China, not the US.:D
  7. Professur

    OK let's have it.

    In your humble (or not so humble) opinion .... What was the worst sequel of all time??? My vote has to go to Highlander; the quickening. They went from ancient, cursed people spread all over the world, to exiled aliens..??!!?? W.T.F.??
  8. Professur

    Scary movie 2

    I'm waiting for it to come to the tube. But Scary Movie 1 is on TMN. Very "Airplane"-ish. I espescially liked the girls locker room scene. And the breast implant scene. And the aquarium- bong. And the sex scene. And the scene where she's standing in the middle of the street screaming at the sky...
  9. Professur

    What new movie...

    Odd. I bought that for my daughter's b-day last week, and she hasn't even openned the plastic yet???? Someone must have replaced her with an alien.
  10. Professur

    Not a bad movie!

    The missus brow beat me into taking her. Pretty typical sequel. Took any and all humourous, exciting, or even interesting points from the original movie and distorted the hell outta them. Plot was virtually non-existant. Special effects were crude even by 1980 standards. And why the hell have...
  11. Professur

    Okay Girls and Boys.....*Rating Pic. Time*

    I really don't wanna think about the fact that I knew what he meant. I've been hanging around him wayyyyyyyy too long.
  12. Professur

    Here is mmy pic

    You mean you've been faking it all this time?
  13. Professur

    Tomorrow I'll be in heaven!

    *mutters something unintelligible*
  14. Professur

    major hardware

    There's a Merc running on hemp oil in Mtl right now. It's doing a tour of north america to prove the effectiveness of hemp oil as a fuel source. Schedule here It's headed to Toronto tomorrow.
  15. Professur

    This is one mean cat!

    Well, that explains it all. Her pussy wanted to eat her. Do I really need to take this one any further? I thought not. In all seriousness, anyone who's ever owned a bird knows that birds love running water. My old budgie used to love sitting in my hands as I held them under the cold...
  16. Professur sincere apologies

    Hey, since when am I thrown in with Outlaw and Pradeep?
  17. Professur

    Tomorrow I'll be in heaven!

    I've got two words for you, and the second one's "off".
  18. Professur

    Okay Girls and Boys.....*Rating Pic. Time*

    Look out, he's gonna whork.
  19. Professur

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Noone owns their kids. They're sicced upon you as a punishment for all the ill you did as a kid. I keep having to punish my daughter for doing exactly what I did as a kid. That reminds me, I have to call the florist again. Mum's looking at a real nice basket after last week.
  20. Professur

    Here is mmy pic

    Why??? You want him to chase you???