
<centre><marquee><font size="10">HAPPY BIRTHDAY "Q" & OUTLAW69</font></marquee></center>

hope you both have a wonderful day tomorrow...and "Q" dont forget to tell us about your pressies.

Outlaw can tell us about all the beer he got.

NZ is the first country in the world to see the new day, its the 12th already where I live :D

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Happy B-day Outlaw

I heard Mayor Mel was going to come and wish you a happy birthday, but he's in a pot of boiling water with a bunch of natives dancing around him.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Happy B-day, Q! In addition to the lovely granite, may I suggest that you beat your significant other around until he does something nice for you?


this is my special title
Originally posted by krusty
NZ is the first country in the world to see the new day, its the 12th already where I live :D [/B]
Umm... NZ is second... possibly third. Tonga is by far the most eastern nation. Its a toss up between Fiji and NZ after that. I cant get a detailed enough map to see how far out the uninhabited seabird rocks stick out into the water. I suspect NZ though.



That pickiness sounds a lot like someone else I know unc... :p


this is my special title
Actually... if you want super-anal I can throw in the US as well. Portions of the Aelutian Is. chain off of Alaska bleed over the dateline. I tend to discount this because of the way the dateline is drawn. It puts said islands right on top of the dateline but at several degrees west of most of the central pacific islands. I hate that whole zig zag BS that the dateline does.


Mushroom at large
You're getting a granite woohoo? I didn't know they made them out of granite. I thought they were all either plastic or latex. Some silicone rubber too. But I've never heard of granite ones.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Q
I already know what I'm getting!! Granite woohoo!!

Hey, a hard man is good to find!:D

Happy B-Day Q!

How old? Tell... tell! (PM me if you want)


Staff member
Technically, it's not until tomorrow :D

So, no birthday for you! :smash:

Until tomorrow :lol:


Staff member
I'm not getting a granite woohoo....I'm getting Granite! woohoo!
It's going on the floor underneath the desk I'm making out of marble.

and it's not really mine and Outlaws birthday till tomorrow, it just happens to be tomorrow in NZ right now...so krusty already started celebrating. :D


Mushroom at large
Hmmm. Marbles and a granite woohoo... :D

So you're trying to say, you're getting granite floor tiles? Or a dais?


Staff member
18x18 absolute black granite floor tiles. I'll have to go into whining overdrive to get the old boy to install them...or pretend like I'm gonna do it myself. :D


Mushroom at large
Oooo. That's nasty. Remind me never to let you talk to my wife. She doesn't need the help.:D

But why solid black?


Staff member
The black is only going under the desk, in the corner. It will give a little definition to the "office area" since it's in the bedroom. The rest of the floor is going to be travertine marble (kind of a beige color) I have my eye on some extra pieces of the same granite laying around at work...if I make some promises I have no intention of keeping, I may be able to weasel a black border around the travertine to tie it all toghther.:grin:


SWM 40 seeking truth
You actually work!?:eek:
I thought you just posted on bbs's all day and night and the next day and the next......:D


Staff member
I don't go to work very often :D but when I do, I make as much in a day as a lot of people make in a week...so I really try to meet my 4 day a month quota...sometimes that doesn't happen:eh:


I gave my brother a reminder today that it was my b-day tomorrow...so look for me on icq tomorrow night all liquored up on Jack Daniels.

Thanks for happy-birthdays from everyone.