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  1. Q

    Whacked story of the day

    My dogs love to watch Emergency Vets on Animal Planet. :worm:
  2. Q


    What the hell does this mean??? I've been running off net for days, because I can't seem to connect to Stanford. :cry: what does hostname look up error mean??
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    Game: Button Button

    *snatches button back* nyah nyah :p :D
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    Game: Button Button

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    Game: Button Button

    Thank you *squirts lysol on button, in case Nix missed any fuser germs* :D this members aka could be emergency hard drive
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    Game: Button Button

    HELLO...... I believe I had the correct answer in first
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    Game: Button Button

  8. Q

    Krustys tragic demise

    krusty's waaaay older than 28, and I'm pretty sure he has 2 ears :D
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    A cool new innovative idea from me, VictorP.

    wouldn't the cords get all tangled up with the trees and stuff??
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    OCN boards?

    It's better now. :beerchug:
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    Live or Memorex, its still a Tragedy

    Jeez, Pad lucked out!
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    PhoenixNet Update

    :cool: I didn't expect that to happen at all, much less so fast.
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    4 freakin' years!

    Congratulations! ...and I still say she has such a pretty face and such a kind looking smile, so quit hogging her...we wanna meet her...let Mrs. Fuser post! :smash:
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    Greatest album ever made

    Alvin and the Chipmunks Greatest Hits!!
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA tOKSIC!!!!
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    Live or Memorex, its still a Tragedy

    *Whorks* :sick:
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    L& there...NOW!!

    We have a birthday celebration in L & CYOU KNOW THE DRILL!!! :mad: :D
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    Happy birthday Padmaster

    Happy Birthday Pad-Baby!!!!
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    I Have Returned!

    :wave: Welcome back Kruz!!
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    pocket philosiphy

    What is a flute with no holes? :eh: