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  1. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA POSTY!! :D
  2. Q

    How many usernames do you use?

    wifeofkirk@HWC Q or *Q* everywhere else
  3. Q

    Has anyone...

    Oooh, Pad's State Trooper story brought back a memory :D In the middle of winter my boyfriend and I found this "perfect" spot...we thought. There was a plowed road leading to a fire practice building, kind of like a really long driveway. I backed way far down it, but we were kinda busy, so we...
  4. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  5. Q

    Oi! Something's happened to Spirit in the L/C Forum

    you have to YELL at em, or they don't listen!! :smash: L&C....GO THERE >>>>>>>NOW!!!
  6. Q

    Game: Button Button

  7. Q

    Happy Birthday Darling!

  8. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA RIS!!!!
  9. Q

    My keyboard

    Is this a musical keyboard or a computer keyboard? Cleaning instructions above will prolly work for either one, I'm just wondering.
  10. Q

    I owe, I owe....

    I do everything after marble or granite floors and/or walls are installed. Grout, caulk, polish edges, repairs, clean and seal.
  11. Q

    Back in the day.

  12. Q

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    you are both flavor dental floss is vile.!
  13. Q

    I owe, I owe....

    Aren't you supposed to keep this a secret?? :scared:
  14. Q

    Thursday is no excuse for you chumps

    I was absent yesterday due to a boo boo doggy...he's still in alot of pain. :cry:
  15. Q

    gettin' a ride

    :D LOL
  16. Q

    Excel Question

    yes, that does help...thank you :)
  17. Q

    Golf expertise Vol.1

    I suck anyway....I just thought it might add an element of excitement to the game. :D
  18. Q

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    fair enough...and he doesn't have DSL anymore, he's been (temporarily, I hope) cursed with 56k :scared:
  19. Q

    Excel Question

    I recently helped my moms friend un- fuxor her computer after another evil friend wreaked havoc on it. As she was restoring some excel files from a back-up, a window popped up. It said something to the effect of: my docs/excel/{name of file} contains macros, macros may contain virus, always...
  20. Q

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    You're not still mad about that ....are ya? It was a noble mission :thup: