I can't :cry2: I'm at an emotional disadvantage. I just took my doggy in for emergency surgery on his ear...and they want to keep him overnight :cry:
*kicks McRib and retreats behind crumbled castle walls to mope*
Holy Crap!!! winey's a bad ass....
*hands winey a lovely Cabernet Sauvignon and a chocolate covered strawberry*
{hands on hips} *tsk tsk...fuser! look at this mess you've made of my castle walls! you clean it up this instant....or I'm tellin :mad: :D
I have another Chopper too...hes my very neurotic, perpetually busy littlest dog.:spin:
and about the pic....at least it's a real one...keep bugging me and you be looking at one of those close ups of a dog snout instead. :p
*PLOP* yep, that fake chicken spread doesn't fly very well. *shovels chicken spread into a flakey pie crust (adds heavy whipping cream and bakes in a 350º oven for 28 minutes) pierces fake chicken spread quiche with a lawn dart and lobs it*
I sure hope we didn't attack with the w4a blueberry...
I certainly hope not, if it wasn't necessary. I also hope you wouldn't give a newbie bad advice because you aren't happy with the management of the site.