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  1. Q

    Neo is in the hospital

    What kinda cheesy hospital is that??? So what if you drive a semi? shoulda drove around back and pretended you were delivering some food, you coulda said it was jello, they'da gave you carte blanche to the whole place.
  2. Q

    How do you keep your mind occupied?

    mutual............................. *fapping*? or :sex: :D
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    How do you keep your mind occupied?

    ROFL....I've witnessed the event, although I would imagine all men believe their technique is unique and ever so stylish. :worm:
  4. Q


    NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo.....Do NOT invoke the name of, well, you know who, here!
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    How do you keep your mind occupied?

    you.....................Whork??? *GASP* *adds new entry in report*
  6. Q


    They aren't random cracks and crevices...eiw, that sounds like putting suntan lotion on a fat lady. :sick:
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome Ridcully!!! :wave: Welcome to xi-base!!! Enjoy!! p.s. I saw your new battlebus, the one with the swanky smoking's very nice, but I didn't see any place to mount that armed refrigerator. :D
  8. Q

    Dudley update

    He had an aural hematoma, which means his whole ear flap filled up with blood. He broke a blood vessel, most likely scratching. Then his incision got infected. I put the medicine on it everyday and gave him his antibiotics with peanut butter and I tried to keep it clean, but he's a dog. It's...
  9. Q

    Neo is in the hospital

    *BIG HUGS*feel better Sammy, we all miss you and need you here! :love:
  10. Q

    I thought I was computer stupid.

    My dogs ear is broke again...and I had oral surgery :cry2: Here's a link to the REAL darkside:
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    I thought I was computer stupid.

    you better's not a link to the's a link *gasp* the lightside. :smash:
  12. Q

    Dudley update

    Dud had to go back in for more surgery on his ear :cry: here's a pic of the other end
  13. Q

    Where are you?

    (+27.308471,-082.521529) *note* no DSL is currently available in this area :mad:
  14. Q

    To those who are fortunate enough to have a cable modem...

    Verizon does not offer DSL in my area. :cry: ...and when I cheacked the avaiability of ATT DSL, it said this ----> The system is currently down or otherwise unavailable. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :cry:
  15. Q

    Happy Birthday, Texashoney!

  16. Q

    To those who are fortunate enough to have a cable modem...

  17. Q

    One word post

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    One word post

  19. Q

    One word post

  20. Q

    One word post
