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  1. Q

    I don't need no stinkin carbs

    I just lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. Emotional crisis. I don't recommend this method though. I say eat what you like and be happy.:smash: :spin:
  2. Q

    she was here, and then *poof*

    ok ok...I'll be around more. I promise.:worm:
  3. Q

    Happy birthday, s4!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY S4!!! :love:
  4. Q

    she was here, and then *poof*

    *hands on hips* just stop pretending you're not krusty...right this second...or things could get ugly. I don't have time to drive over to NZ right now...but just trust me.:smash: ...and to answer your question....sadly no, she ain't gonna get lei'd :cry2: *hides under quilt...
  5. Q

    she was here, and then *poof*

    Q pretends to be in Hawaii
  6. Q

    she was here, and then *poof*

    Q is here...sorta
  7. Q

    tell me the worst thing about 2001

    THANK-YOU!!! :love::cry:
  8. Q

    tell me the worst thing about 2001

    well, me and kirk split up...and as much as he wasn't perfect, I still love him.
  9. Q

    Cable's fun side

    ....AND, since I recently moved...I got free installation, 2 free months, and a hundred dollar gift card ( dunno what that is yet) but trust me, I will find out. :D CABLE LIVES!!!! tralalalala
  10. Q


    I always need a hug from flurf :love:
  11. Q

    If you guys wanna see where I live

    If I have a TV tomorrow, I'll damn sure be watching Law and Order!
  12. Q


    Thanks to you too na. :love: Q needs all the hugs she can get right now.:cry2:
  13. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :worm: Ummmm, no. But welcome anyway....
  14. Q

    Why is it ...

    Meeeee too! *taps foot impatiently waiting for the beer trolly to arrive*
  15. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA WINKY!!!
  16. Q

    Greetings from Class

    hmmm, what to do in a situation like this? a.) help some other people 2.) zero in on the ones you don't like too much and give 'em the wrong information. :D I personally am leaning toward the latter, but I'm kinda grouchy lately.:smash:
  17. Q


    :worm: :wave:
  18. Q


    *sniff sniff sniff* :worm: treat???
  19. Q


    Yippieee!! *Q quickly scribbles out last entry in the report*:D *zeroes on on Kruz, chomps chain in half* aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  20. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA TECHNOCLOD!!!!