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  1. Q

    Last word first

    Sentences only need have a subject and a verb...example: bite me. Bite being the verb, me being the subject. Two words, complete sentence. Bite me.:p
  2. Q

    Last word first

    Dirty ol' men
  3. Q

    Need your help:

    I voted. That baby is wayyy cool! :thup:
  4. Q

    A FuRy HeAvEn!!!!!

    *steps outta the way*
  5. Q

    Last word first

    Immediately to your left is my dandy new avatar. <------------------see?
  6. Q

    Last word first

    It (referring to my brain) is covered up by hair...prolly why Fuser didn't know where to look. :lol:
  7. Q

    Who Lives Here?

    I guess br0ck's not much of a threat to the sheep without a body. :D good one fuse...rofl
  8. Q


    Way to go lil missy! :thup: :) always taking care of somebody, eh?
  9. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA GOSHARKS!! welcome back:)
  10. Q

    The real truth

    You wouldn't believe how many batteries he goes through :D
  11. Q

    The Girlfriend Remote Is Here

    *lets bra go after acid travels 20'* SPROING WOW! look at acid fly! :D
  12. Q

    The Girlfriend Remote Is Here

    *uses bra as slingshot....pummels acid with buckshot* :p
  13. Q

    Jumbo Genes

    *JUMBO GENE UPDATE* They're all broken, I think. T-bird #1 (126AA)...bad sequences 1,3 and 6...TURNED ITSELF OFF ON SEQUENCE 10 :mad: T-bird #2 (140AA) error on sequence 2 compaq is nonetting till they fix this damn thing...
  14. Q

    The Girlfriend Remote Is Here

  15. Q

    The real truth

    :wave: That would be me....the one without the muzzle. :D
  16. Q

    Last word first

    they might...but I never looked
  17. Q

    Jumbo Genes

    I heard. I still have a 66aa on the k6 2-500...wonder if I'd be better off no-netting that guy for a little while....any thoughts?
  18. Q

    Jumbo Genes

    :eek2: I just got a 126AA....and it had an error in the very first sequence :mad: