I donated too, thinking it would be going to the victims in NY. However, since the Red Cross helped me out in a big way before, I am not as offended about all the proceeds going to NY. However, if they collected money, leading people to believe it was going towards NY, when they never had any...
...and we heard this from...the people who poisoned the food supply we sent in to help their people...I wouldn't believe anything those assholes said.:lurk:
There is no way this happened because of turbulance....and even if, by the remotest chance, it was...which it wasn't , I can't see where they think the flying public is supposed to reassured.
*Come fly with XYZ airlines, where you will not die in a crash due to terrorists...our crashes are...
Hey Kruz, did you decide to get the router? I saw that exact one you're looking at on sale at buy.com (which you can click on the banner at the top of the pages here to get to) for $79.99 and a $10.00 rebate.
I let that one run through. The 126aa. Just to see what would happen. ( I really wanted to see what kind of credit I would get). Well, in about a 36 hour period I only got credit for 1 gene. from all three machines. :mad: But I read where someone else noticed the same thing and Stefan said...
Hmmm, good thought. It never really occured to me to look online because they're so heavy, I figured the shipping would be outrageous....but if the units are that much cheaper, it'd be worth it. Off I go to pricewatch :wave:
No fair, no fair...this contest is fair. I tried to vote again today and it wouldn't let me. I tried to vote from my other puter and it wouldn't let me.:smash:
I've been trying to decide which battery back up ups to buy. I've pretty much decided on an APC, but there are lots of different models. The one I'm considering has 8 outlets, 4 of which are for the battery back up.
I know the amount of battery time depends on the load, and the monitor seems...