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  1. Q

    w00t baby

    Well, it looks like it would feel simply disgusting...:sick:
  2. Q

    Does your local grocery store...

    YAY!!!! ku'u is back!! tralalalala *does the Q dance* :lol:
  3. Q

    What in your opinion would get people to post here more often?

    I can't now. I've lost my motivation.:cry:
  4. Q

    What in your opinion would get people to post here more often?

    I used to be the Linux chick, but I had to stop because Brainsoft had a tiz about it.
  5. Q

    Smartie Pants

    NOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I already went Google....I checked the "real dictionary" I WIN, I winnnnnnn:cry:
  6. Q

    Smartie Pants

    *sigh* oh....ooooookayyyyyyyyy:cry2:
  7. Q

    Smartie Pants

    Will we be allowed to make up words?:eh:
  8. Q


    :thup: great choices how's Mama feeling?
  9. Q

    Smartie Pants

    Right here. In this case OH!!! <-----all excited like that, followed by *duh* is a definate indication of acceptance. :p
  10. Q

    Smartie Pants

    The fact remains, my incorrect word was still accepted first. I WIN!!! what do I get?
  11. Q

    Beer Cheese Soup

    I left those two items out of my recipe. :)
  12. Q

    Smartie Pants

    you're just mad cuz I won :D what do I get?
  13. Q

    Beer Cheese Soup

    Leftover Turkey stew Put all the leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green bean casserole, stuffing, mushrooms, carrots, celery, onions in a large pot, add chicken base (found in the soup aisle) a couple tbsps of sugar....simmer for a couple of hours.
  14. Q

    Smartie Pants

    Iceberg lettuce is two words...and there is no word that starts with ic and ends with ce, except ice. However all the other words in the sequence use the first two letters of the previous word, with the last two letters making up the next word, so technically the missing word should be at least...
  15. Q


    but why did that toenail fall off??????????
  16. Q


    Have you made any name selections yet?
  17. Q


    YAY!!!!! One giant baby!! :thup: I think he must be a boy.
  18. Q

    Where is everyone?

    Lifetime...television for women and dogs :)
  19. Q

    Smartie Pants

    What will I be getting instead then?:eh:
  20. Q

    Smartie Pants

    Ok, I'm in. The only flaw I can see is: I never really win anything. Fuser owes me a car and a dvd player, I'm also owed various assorted other things which I never got. I'd be kinda disappointed if I started getting stuff now. :D