Search results

  1. Q

    Ok, where the hell is Fuser?

    I thought he'd be back by now..and he isn't. I demand one of you Canucks go out and find him, right this second and park his butt in front of a computer. I'm not kidding, git and don't come back till you find him :mad:
  2. Q

    We almost died again

    *breathes a HUGE sigh of relief* ...that Huge posted a we're all gonna die story.;)
  3. Q

    Goodbye Dave...

    :cry2: Dave was cool.
  4. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Later?? ...later?? *beats Kerry Totten with a 2x4* Oh, I mean Hi :D
  5. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome back D5....or StarCaine, if you prefer. I'm wifeofkirk at HWC....just lil ol Q here.
  6. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    OMG...there are just soooo many options with that last reply. *twirls on head* :D:D:D I suppose I'll go your ankle bothering you?:lol:
  7. Q

    For Unclehobart & his beer woes

    That's a fabulous concept...but ...Heinie??? eiw
  8. Q

    yeah baby!

    ....yeah, but it's.................................................. *gasp* a can buy it all the RAM you want and it'll still be a mac. *runs away in anticipation of cocoanut fire* nanny nanny na na :D:p
  9. Q

    Smartie Pants II

    yeah yeah I copied the answer. I still get credit, right? :D what do I get?
  10. Q

    Smartie Pants II

    The answer is : 381654729 ...what do I get?
  11. Q

    I need a beer

    ...and you will be ready for company by......??? :D
  12. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA Greenie. I've been reading your stuff over at JJR's for a while (sporadically). I always enjoy it. Welcome.
  13. Q

    Smartie Pants II

    eiw...math *runs away* ...besides, I got rooked outta that last prize anyway. :D
  14. Q

    I need a beer

    No beer....and he's making excuses. *snorts, bangs head on keybord* Guess Q won't need to be "twirling on head" today...huh?
  15. Q

    I'm not mental, I swear!

    You shoulda wrote him a note. One time I grouted a whole buncha dark green slate. (and I never wear gloves) well, I like my grout to match, so I mixed black and green together. It did match just perfect too....and so did my hands all the way up to the elbow. I stopped at a little store to...
  16. Q

    *does a happy dance*

    Nope...pad's not married and na's not married LOVE CONNECTION!!! pad and na, sittin' in a tree :D:D:D :love:
  17. Q


    I wasn't ignoring her. I went to a party and did the safe thing and didn't drive. I just got home this morning. :beerchug: Cheers right back atcha chickies :D Cheers to everybody. :thup:
  18. Q

    Happy New Beer!

    Jeez. lets hope so!
  19. Q

    Happy 2002 mofos!

    Silly Pra, it's still 2001 here. :p Happy New Year:)
  20. Q

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

    I changed my mind. I decided it would be better not to mix networking and beer, so I'm just doing the beer.:beerchug: