Search results

  1. Q

    Footage of me being a drunken idiot

    I thought you looked kinda....uh, uh...fluffy :D
  2. Q

    Ok, where the hell is Fuser?

    Still looking for Fuser.:cry2: :cry: :smash:
  3. Q

    Is anyone not doing genome that should be?

    Oh, I see. Kyle is useless and gay.
  4. Q

    Anybody up for a test?

    worked ok for me :thup:
  5. Q

    Roe vs Wade

    Greeny, 3 different doctors refused to even consider a tubal ligation on any woman under the age of 35, as a matter of standard practice. Not one of them thought twice about pouring hormones into me every month for over twenty years (and I smoke) or ploping a foreign object in my body...which...
  6. Q

    Kmart files Chapter 11

    I just knew Rosie O'Donnell was a bad marketing strategy. :sick:
  7. Q

    Vacation ideas?

    I think Russia sounds really cool....but, like you mentioned, I might hesitate to go there alone as well. Perhaps a travel agency could hook you up with some kind of a tour group. I think my next choice might be the British Isles.
  8. Q

    Roe vs Wade

    Good luck trying to find a doctor who will tie a womans tubes before age 35. I never did. I, like greeny knew I didn't want kids as early as high school....and starting at age 25 I looked for a doctor to tie my tubes. They all thought they knew better than me. My "dream man" was not gonna...
  9. Q

    Is anyone not doing genome that should be?

    You're not allowed to run g@h if you're gay?:retard:
  10. Q

    Another one of those useless "what are you" polls

    <TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD> <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Pacman Ghost." /></A>I am <B>a Pacman Ghost</B>.<BR /><BR /> I...
  11. Q

    I just noticed ...

    Oh just defrag and get the hell over it. :D
  12. Q

    P implies Q, therefore, I need a beer

    *hands on hips* I am NOT :p
  13. Q

    hey, Q!

    Sorry, Miss ku'u, I don't know jack about the Kirkwoods, 'cept none of the ones I ever met woulda had enough money to make it past the Mississippi.:smash:
  14. Q

    My bed-capades

    I hate my bed. I'm quite sure it is the same brand they sell to prisons. Spirit, we need a pic of this bed!'s so low to the ground you had to weasel out from under it and so high you need a ladder to get on it? I wanna see!:worm:
  15. Q

    razor etiquette

    Bikini line? Yes The whole shootin' match? ....never in a million zillion years.
  16. Q

    What if...

    ok, ok...the next pic in the gallery will be a hard hat pic.:worm:
  17. Q

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    I also, have taken it upon myself to drink ku'us share of beer during this time of abstinence. I have no idea how much ku'u drank previous to the blessed conception....but rest assured I shall do her proud consequently. :D
  18. Q

    What if...

    Ok, let's deal with these questions one at a time, shall we? But first....let me say the word OSHA (occupational saftey hazard assholes) Steel toed work boots must be worn on feet...I have no doubt that the regulations are specifically written calling for the shoes to be worn on the feet...
  19. Q

    Do you really have any chance of preventing the bed bugs from biting?

    My dogs are in charge of the bed bugs...and the mites. I allow them to hog the whole bed and in return they valiantly defend me against all invaders.
  20. Q

    What would happen if your ears really DID hang low?

    I would, most definately, stick them up under my hat.