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  1. Q

    original food fight thread

    *Squeegees creamed corn off face*....that's the last time I spend hours slaving over a hot stove to prepare mouth watering sauteéd mushrooms to hurl at your big trap :p *catapults a large swordfish at fury and SL* *tosses Tomcat some puss-n-boots* :D
  2. Q

    Guess what? WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!

    *breaks out tin fiol hard hat*:eek:
  3. Q

    Pleased to meet you all

    :wave: HIYA AcidWarp...nice sig! :thup:
  4. Q

    "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex,"

    I'll read through that stuff more thoroughly tomorrow...but this cracked me up :D 1. To communicate our message effectively to our target audience in their own language and on their own terms. We believe that a current shortcoming of other EBC awareness campaigns is that they do not...
  5. Q

    "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex,"

    They are handing out birth control pills to middle schoolers? What if they have a heart condition? A hereditary blood disease? What if they are taking medication which is contraindicated with oral contraceptives? How many 12, 13 ,14 year olds are responsible enough to remember to take that...
  6. Q

    Who here does NOT know me?

    :wave: HIYA Gato, nice to see you here.
  7. Q

    "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex,"

    i think that author is a pedophile. ...and if nothing else, she obviously has done little or no research on child brain development. Children are physically incabable of making rational informed decisions. Their brains simply are not developed enough. No child chooses to have a sexual...
  8. Q

    original food fight thread

    No. Here's some sardines and hairy anchovies instead:sick:
  9. Q

    original food fight thread

    *stands in front of flurf* (kinda far away):fart::D *whips out sling shot, shoots whole sauteéd mushrooms at furys mouth*:snooze:
  10. Q

    Man wants computer chip with medical records implanted

    Don't worry s4. If it ever became a mandatory thing there would be a black market. Don't like what's on the chip they gave you? Get a different one. Buy one off the relatives of a dead guy with a nice clean record, trade chips with your dog, call up your local bootleg chip maker. Somebody...
  11. Q

    Aiport security lapses

    But did that rocket launcher have a seat belt? That's what I wanna know.:worm:
  12. Q

    Justice Deaprtment to break up Apple

    Man...someone needs to post this on the MacNNinnies board...ooooooooooooh Br0xen???:D
  13. Q

    Aiport security lapses

    ROFLMFAO:lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Q

    Are you fat?

    Do you have proof that I said that? I don't remember saying that. Besides there is a very recent pic of my foot in uncs thread.:p
  15. Q

    Are you fat?

    Yeah! That's the one. That particular pic of you and the one of me in the members gallery look alot alike to me. I'm sure if we stood next to each other in person it would be a different story. Nah, I'm not wild about having my pic taken, unless its spontanieous. Whenever I pose for a pic...
  16. Q

    Are you fat?

    :D...I'm sure youcan snort louder than me. :p me and greenie look so much's scary
  17. Q

    Are you fat?

    I meant good girl, as far as sticking with the diet...NOT the nekkid pics. *smacks Gonz silly* *snorts at Gonz*
  18. Q

    Are you fat?

    Good girl Greenie!:thup:
  19. Q

    Britain's Queen Mother Dies at 101

    Bummer about The Queen Chuck can't be in charge, he's a tard. I think Tony will lay the smack down hard and fast.....maybe let him be director of dinner napkins and candle snuffers or something.:D
  20. Q

    Gender-accurate Bible

    Oh jeez, a politically correct bible:rolleyes: