WHAT?? ..is your dog a closet stoner???
I'd like to omit this from the report...but, I just can't. Kiss him on the lips and inform him of his fate.:worm:
She's whacked. No doubt about it..and she'll be whacked forever. Even in a drug induced "reality" she'll be whacked. I'm pissed that nobody did anything to stop this woman. People knew.
Her husband knew.
Her family knew.
ok, let's rule one thing out right now....if they had the smarts to make the machines to make the tools to build a pyramid...they are not in cahoots with our government.:eh:
...putting lots of thougt into my replies....'zactly! that's why I earned about 7,563,582 karmas!
..now why aren't they showing up in my profile? :D
*RAMS* flurf :sex:
That's one of the mind boggling things. They built the pyramids to last through time.
What was their concept of time? King Tut was 11 or 12. The old ones lived till 30. They had no concept of 7000 years. They had no machine shops to make the tools. There is nothing to bond those hunks...
The whole Egyptian thing gets me all wound up. Threre are just too many questions. Too much weird shit.
The pyramids just slay me.
Billy-Bob: Hey! let's build some giant 3-D triangles!
Pete: Ok!
Billy-Bob: I'm thinking we should do it in the desert
Pete: Good idea...that's only 3...
Personally, I believe pitbull karma and hick karma would be the perfect compliment to each other.
Ok, so now with my 11 karmas and s4's 39, that should bring my total up to around 6,487,33. Right?
My dogs have microchips. One quick scan and some slimy dog-napper is goin' down.:mad: (some crazy lady tried to steal my sheepdog when he was a baby puppy...after that, I was taking no chances) lo-dog-jack is not available yet....but it should be.:worm: