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  1. Q

    What to do

    Holy Sheep Shit, that is your site!! :mad: Hack the sumbitches!
  2. Q

    Talk about hardware!!

    I flew out the door without the camera today. I'll try to post some of the ones I got right now shortly. In the meantime heres a link to their site. The pics on the website are pretty old though:(
  3. Q

    Talk about hardware!!

    Ok, ok, I got a few. It's still under construction (and has been for over 2 years now) so it's hard to see alot of stuff. They are quite anal about covering things up (to protect them) This house is 22,000 sf. An average upper-middle class house is about 2-3000. The media room is...
  4. Q

    Who are these people?

    I KNOW!! I think I really do have a buttloada karma, but the gauge is just stuck.:eh:
  5. Q

    Talk about hardware!!

    I met, in person, the UPS, of the century. It's taller than me (I'm 5'6") prolly 4 ft wide. It's only job is to run a 25 million dollar house till the generator kicks in.....18 seconds. The "Brain" of this house is sooooo cool. They got cat6. They can run the house from the laptop from the...
  6. Q

    Who are these people?

    Oh...that was me, I didn't mean to point (pointing is just rude :lurk: )....I did gigle though:D...was kinda funny:lol:
  7. Q

    I got mentioned in LockerGnome

    Yea Posty!! Go Boy! :thup:
  8. Q

    Enormous Bra Found

    Gonz, the owner is 55" in diameter. She ain't no Barbie doll.:sick:
  9. Q

    Virtual keyboard shown at CeBIT fair

    That is cool as shit!!:thup::eek2:
  10. Q

    11-Year-Old's Entire Plan For Night is to Smoke Cigarettes

    Lets steal his cigarettes and blackmail the lil shitass. :D
  11. Q

    11-Year-Old's Entire Plan For Night is to Smoke Cigarettes

    Lets put a video camera in the tree in the woods where they're gonna hide out to smoke!:D
  12. Q

    100 Karma

    Mine's been stalled at 11 for about a year now. I think my karma-meter is on the fritz:eh:
  13. Q

    The philosophy of George Carlin

    #9...yes :evillaff:
  14. Q

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    It's actually several different condos flav. It's on Longboat Key, Fl. The one with the stainless steel kitchen is about 6000sf, the other ones are about 3000sf.
  15. Q

    I'm a drunken lout!

    I can see where a breakfast trolley could be confused for a cd player. I get those two mixed up all the time.:retard: :rolleyes:
  16. Q

    Happy ST. Patricks day everyone

    *twirls on head* (while chomping on corned beef and cabbage):D
  17. Q

    Happy Birthday Inkara1

  18. Q

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    HEY!!! The quote button doesn't work in ice blue. I tried to quote BATMAN and and no quote box came up. Now my post looks semi-retarded. Not real retarded, but sorta kinda:retard: I expect my karma will be adjusted for this inconvience accordingly?:whip:
  19. Q

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Karma works like this: you aquire it....and time permitting *poof* gets added to my total :D get busy, ok?:worm:
  20. Q

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Oh yeah:D ...and just for the record...your "bad karma jinx" won't work Pengy....I got the force field up :p bad karma back atcha...neerer neerer pbthththththhththth:D