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  1. Q


    Hurry:cry2: ...before I have to get an eye transplant:eek:
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    Somehow yesterday I hit something on the keyboard and now my text is HUMONGOUS!! I know it's something stupid, but I can't remember how to put it back like it was and it's driving me crazy:spin: :scared:
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    Gator Lifts Woman's Car Off Ground

    Nah, gators are a pain in the ass. They're sneaky bastards and pretty aggressive.
  4. Q


    Yeah...regaurds. What's with this "best" crappola?
  5. Q

    Damn peacocks

    The rooster went postal about the easter eggs?:scared:
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    *twirls on head* Huge got an A!! (Huge earned his A)
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    Ya know what Huge? Today was a really bad day...reallyi bad. put on van morrison tupelo honey ..lets chair dance?:cry:
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    *jumps up and down* YEEEEEESSS:mad:
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    original food fight thread

    *SIGH* yes I am...
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    Beat the crap out of em...then take their lappys.:smash: fuckers. I am in NO mood for their shit!
  12. Q

    WOOHOO, wide screen monitor

    ...and the sad part is....we're gonna all laugh at the days we were flipping out about a 24" screen, someday a whole wall of the house will be devoted to the computer screen. ...but for now, DAYUM that thing is big!:eek2:
  13. Q

    I swear, I'm still alive

    *smacks na* git the hell up and start posting!:D none of this nappy crappy!
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    original food fight thread

    I did not! bent a couple spokes maybe, but it still works, besides this is a food fight, you have to be creative...fillet your damn swordfish and use him. *Smacks SL with a pickled herring* *loads up atomic pez dispenser...zeroes in on Gato and flurf*
  15. Q

    original food fight thread

    Trust me....I am too mad:mad: Now get rid of that pussified lil poncho and use an umbrella like everybody else :D
  16. Q

    WOOHOO, wide screen monitor

    Jebus, I think I'd have to go to the next zip code to read that :cry2:
  17. Q

    original food fight thread

    Too mad to retailiate at this moment in time...but be prepared:evillaff: *loads up assault buffet wagon* :D
  18. Q

    original food fight thread

    Yeah....:D you're gonna need some Tidy Cat under that fry gun...'specially if you're shootin Wendy's fries. Eiw May I suggest checking the Walgreens sale ad? ( they do have some great sales!) *splooges SL with olive oil and Frenches onion soup mix (dry)*
  19. Q

    WOOHOO, wide screen monitor

    *GASP* pad, it's simply stunning! *squirts visine from the handy-dandy 55gal drum next to desk, as I continue to squint at crappy 15" monitor*
  20. Q

    original food fight thread

    Well, I couldn't throw tidy cat...this is a food fight! *zings some tuna noodle casserole at Gato* *adds some cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and red onions to the fury, SL, swordfish-shish-kebob*...Gonz, where's that lighter fluid?