Search results

  1. Gonzo

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    I started to help NEO & stayed because it's a decent place. Disagreement in a thread doesn't have to become a flame war. That's why I don't visit too many other sites. Instead of a thought-provoking, intelligent discussion, they throw stuff & cuss out the idiot lamebrains for an opinion. I hear...
  2. Gonzo

    Team of Destiny?

    I'm not sure I'd bet on that. Oakland had them beat & the ref's took it away. The Steelers are/were the best team in the AFC. It's looking odd in the NFL these days.
  3. Gonzo

    Anybody up for a test?

  4. Gonzo

    Team of Destiny?

    What the hell is New England doing in the Super Bowl? They aren't that good.:confused:
  5. Gonzo

    Roe vs Wade

    I think it was $50.(I was insured) For my wife, I believe it would have been $150. with insurance. 30. The only questions asked were about my knowledge of the procedure & the long term effects. No judgement call nor questions of my being sure.
  6. Gonzo

    Vacation ideas?

    RIO:ladiesman :sex: :smoke:
  7. Gonzo

    Roe vs Wade

    My wife bitched about the same thing. She was supposed to have a C-section, & we figured, since they are already there, she'd handle it. She didn't & even before his birth, the Dr kept asking if she was sure & I had to sign something "releasing" the Dr from responsibility. When I went in, the Dr...
  8. Gonzo

    Help; I'm trapped & can't get out

    Yea, Posty, that's a lot, but not like you could have driven from Frankfurt to Munich & saved $1100. If I were to drive to Indy(and I would) I would profit over $80. per hour, when you figure gas, parking & time. I could use that in real life:D
  9. Gonzo

    Roe vs Wade

    Greenfreak-My last post was pointing out the fact that you are aware that birth control is not 100% effective & you rely on it and you are glad you didn't learn the hard way. As long as you are sexually active, there is a chance of pregnancy. I wasn't attacking you, per se, just the...
  10. Gonzo

    Oh #$%^&!!!

    He should put down the beer & back away slowly.
  11. Gonzo

    Calling all fat asses!

    Huge, that is a joke for the time being only. Remember when the Gov't & lawyers got hungry & went after "Big Tobacco"? It seems all the states got involved, got their share of the profits & now RJReynolds is paying more to stop kids from smoking than the states & their multi-billion dollar...
  12. Gonzo

    Help; I'm trapped & can't get out

    OK, so that's an overstatement, but not far from the truth. My best friend(since 5th grade) is finally getting married in late Feb. I can't afford to go, but just in case, I looked up airfares. Ft Wayne International Airport has almost no direct flights, unless you're going to Chi, Det...
  13. Gonzo

    Roe vs Wade

    what's wrong with that sampled paragraph?
  14. Gonzo

    Anybody remember the days...

    outside of work, I saw very little reason to have one until about 3 years ago. my first was a PacBell300(cyrix) I had an AMD 350 in there in less than 3 months. I bought the pos to learn on & beat the hell out of. Now I know more & still think I should go back to my sig being-"I may not know...
  15. Gonzo


    That's what I've been wondering? is it finals week or sumthin:confused:
  16. Gonzo

    Another one of those useless "what are you" polls

    <TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD> <A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gonzo Adventurer." /></A>I am <B>a GonzoAdventurer</B>.<BR /><BR...
  17. Gonzo

    John binWalker

    However, our courts aren't based on morality-at least I hope:worm:
  18. Gonzo

    John binWalker

    Now that he's in America & is to be tried in a civil justice court, the big question is-did he do anything illegal? His daddy, Mr binWalker, is saying he didn't mean to harm Americans(questionable) & he DIDN"T harm any Americans. I'm just unsure of any crimes committed by the putz, other...
  19. Gonzo

    Dump the Diva

    and put her back in Tshirts & jeans. She was so much cuter then.
  20. Gonzo

    P implies Q, therefore, I need a beer

    isn't the entire point of philosophy to not need evidence? to judge on the merit of the argument, in general, and not the specifics? If you want evidence, get a degree in criminal justice.;) I wanted to go back to college to get a masters in philosophy, then I realized in 6 years I'd be no...