OK, so that's an overstatement, but not far from the truth.
My best friend(since 5th grade) is finally getting married in late Feb. I can't afford to go, but just in case, I looked up airfares. Ft Wayne International Airport has almost no direct flights, unless you're going to Chi, Det, Cin or DFW. I usually don't even bother to look, but what the hell.
FWA-LAX r/t $580.
Just 2hrs south of here is Indianapolis International-the same flight is $161.
The payscale is crappy here, there is nothing of interest(save a few amusing SUMMER festivals), there is no culture & the streets are bad, but this is ridiculous.
It seems they don't want anyone leaving..........
My best friend(since 5th grade) is finally getting married in late Feb. I can't afford to go, but just in case, I looked up airfares. Ft Wayne International Airport has almost no direct flights, unless you're going to Chi, Det, Cin or DFW. I usually don't even bother to look, but what the hell.
FWA-LAX r/t $580.
Just 2hrs south of here is Indianapolis International-the same flight is $161.
The payscale is crappy here, there is nothing of interest(save a few amusing SUMMER festivals), there is no culture & the streets are bad, but this is ridiculous.
It seems they don't want anyone leaving..........