Calling all fat asses!


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Can I sue you for being stupid? Probably not, which is why this makes me really wonder about the "judicial" system of America. Probably the most fscked up thing about this nation is the judical system. If you are stupid enough to eat candy that makes you fat, then you have no rights to sue the company that sells it to you. Are you going to sue Intel for selling products that have addicted yout o computers? Perhaps Micron or Compaq? Get real.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
This isn't a joke??? I was told that it was and it seems so ridiculous, but the more I look at it...:confused:


I wasn't insinuating it was a joke if that was directed at me :D I think it is absured that a jury could come to a conclusion like that.


Staff member
Some people are trying to incite it to the point where it's not a joke. Trying to get big food companies to advertise healthy foods just as much as they do the not-so-healthy foods, and are actually mentioning the potential possibility in the future of lawsuits and/or protests against food companies that sell products containing fat. I can just imagine the crowd of signs saying "Ban chocolate", "Down with fat!" :withstup:

Oh my god, unhealthy eating habits don't kill people, CHOCOLATE KILLS PEOPLE! SUE! SUE! SUE! :rolleyes:


Nincompoop Clown
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.

- Henry David Thoreau


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Huge, that is a joke for the time being only. Remember when the Gov't & lawyers got hungry & went after "Big Tobacco"? It seems all the states got involved, got their share of the profits & now RJReynolds is paying more to stop kids from smoking than the states & their multi-billion dollar rewards. The target is already set. The welfare...err, Medicare people(or a very closely related Gov't organization), has already started the ball rolling.

those are just examples of the stories out there. Go into your favorite news source, search for obesity & you'll find all kinds of stories. The wilds of Montana & many guns is looking better & better.