Why do you come to XIBASE?


Staff member
Well... besides I own it, i come here to visit friends, and help them and others with their computer problems. Also have someone help me when i have problems too.


I think NEO is really serious. I came here because the atmosphere is relaxed and laid-back. Many of the friends the I made on the web are here. It has given me a chance to speak with people from all over the world through the internet.
That's also one of the reasons I visit XiBase; it's nice to talk to people from all over the world, learn about their habits, their opinions on issues...
But besides that, it's just really relaxed around here; everybody is nice to each other. It's fun to visit XiBase. :)


^ bored.
I come here because Shadowfax ordered me to :D

...and s4 is right, the atmosphere is nice around here, otherwise I wouldn't be still here. :)

Sorry Shadowfax for the typo in your name, it was an automatic reaction, can you forgive me? :cry2:


Staff member
I made alex come here...tralalalala :D:D:D

I come here cuz I just love all the people here. :love:


Staff member
I come here to talk about stuff with my friends, whatever may come up as the topic or topics at the time

And cause somebody needs to be up 24/7 to make sure the board doesn't fall apart :smash:

Krusty was the one who originally got me here... in an ICQ activelist conversation. It was back when Xi was still FuseTalk...

To be honest, I registered never intending to post much, because I despised FuseTalk :rolleyes:

Lo and behold, UBB was installed and FuseTalk members were converted to the UBB, and thus began the reign of posting terror brought on by fury.

Any more questions? :wave:


Staff member
*Q twirls on head* lookie NEO...two people actually admitted they followed me. :D


New Member
I followed Fury. :D

Actually, I linked here from another forum, after I realized I was addicted. I lurked for a long time, reading here and there and saw how friendly everyone was with one another--that was very appealing to me. Especially the Xi Ladies--you're so sweet!

Then I started chatting with Fury, Krusty, Neo, da boys... And then I joined... All you guys are cool. :)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I come to harasss fury and Neo, look inside Q's head, and reads Gonzo's insightful thoughts about beer. :D :D


Staff member
*shines flashlight in ear in the mirror* ......yup, just as I suspected, nothin' in there :D no WAIT!!! I see something!! 2 quarter inch wood screws and a half a dog biscuit.
...pretty entertaining, huh, Posty? :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I started to help NEO & stayed because it's a decent place. Disagreement in a thread doesn't have to become a flame war. That's why I don't visit too many other sites. Instead of a thought-provoking, intelligent discussion, they throw stuff & cuss out the idiot lamebrains for an opinion. I hear enoughh of that on the radio & TV. I'd like to see us have more input to serious threads.

Beer is such a good thing, I ought to take up drinking again.


Staff member
PostCode said:
heheh. You gotta ask yourself...how the hell did the dog biscuit get in there? :lol:
I know how the dog biscuit got it there....but I'm not tellin'. :p :D