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  1. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    I guess krusty now takes over with his? BD :scared: :scared:
  2. BigDadday

    My keyboard

    Agreed with! :wave:
  3. BigDadday

    Favorite band

  4. BigDadday

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    I know no one in person. * :cry: :cry: * BD
  5. BigDadday

    My ONE birthday wish...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope your wish comes true. BD :cry: :cry: :beerchug: :beerchug: :worm: :worm:
  6. BigDadday

    I owe, I owe....

    This should get some LOL's so I will tell you the secret of my success:D. I am now a ESOP owner of the once Champion International and now BlueRidge Paper and we make--are you seated--milk cartons>someone has to do it I guess!BD
  7. BigDadday


    First off spirit luck ok . What I hate is when you're looking for a job,any job and they say you need experience. What I want to know is how do you get that unless someone hires you so you can learn and do the job? *Big Time*
  8. BigDadday

    I'm all effing drunk.....may I see your tits

    Wonder how many hits this post will get :D ? Uncle nice shot :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. BigDadday

    More shots part 2

    Times as these I wish for DSL but will survive;). BD
  10. BigDadday

    Summer colds

    They've reported that the Nile Virus is here but is also not that good of a chance a human would get it. You are a human aren't you?:D At any rate do you have any standing water that has gotten stagnant and possibly a mosquito has bitten you? BD :scared: :worm: :worm: :worm:
  11. BigDadday

    :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm:

    marrige problems mickey and minnie are setting in a marrige counselors office. the mediator, sounding quite concerned,says to mickey, i really wish you would reconsider divorcing minnie just because shes had a mental set back. i didn't say she was crazy,mickey answers, i said she was f*cking...
  12. BigDadday

    Bubba and Cooter=Logic

    Bubba and Cooter decided that they weren't going anywhere in life and thought they should go to college to get ahead. Bubba goes in first, and the professor advises him to take math, history, and logic. "What's logic?" asked Bubba. The professor answered, "Let me give you an example...
  13. BigDadday

    Ballerina At The Bar

    This nasty, sweaty woman, wearing a sleeveless sun dress, walks into a bar. She raises her right arm, revealing a big hairy armpit as she points to all the people sitting at the bar and asks, "What man out there will buy a lady a drink?" The whole bar goes dead silent, as the patrons try...
  14. BigDadday

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hello! :wave:
  15. BigDadday

    Summer colds

    Thera Flu is pretty good stuff that I take and thought you'd give it a shot. BD
  16. BigDadday

    Feel like a Woman

    On a transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning. One woman in loses it. She stands up in the front of the plane and screams, "I'm too young to die!" Twice more she wails, "I'm too...
  17. BigDadday

    A Love Story

    I was afraid that they would tell me to take it off so I don't use it as much:D. Thnx and glad the kid likes it as well. BD :beerchug:
  18. BigDadday

    A Love Story

  19. BigDadday

    A Love Story

    We met in a secluded field, the sun nearly kissing the evening horizon.The warm breeze was full of that earthy musky scent that onlythose fortunate enough to live outside the urban rat race know, and quiet whispering of leaves in the Weeping Willow overhead added the final touch to the most...
  20. BigDadday

    16 Signs Your Life Truly Sucks

    16> You just paid $3.99/minute for the phone sex girl to tell you she has a headache. 15> The provisions you ordered to modify your outfit for the next Star Trek convention are on back order, your mom's boyfriend says you have to start paying rent for the basement, and your...