this is my special title
I should have suspected something when I just wasn't feeling like my old self around 40 hours ago. I was in bed when I started feel my body temp do little spikes and then settle off. I thought it was from a little too much sun exposure as I was out in the yard for 5 hours. It took me several hours to get to sleep. Sleep was shallow at best and I was dragging all day and dragging with a headache today. All of a sudden at 11pm est while sitting here at the computer I get massive chill waves and muscle spasms down my back and arms. I don't have much of a fever. I'm neither stuffy in the head or chest. I'm starting to get pain all across my back. It sounds like a good old case of the flu is about to slap me down. Ugg. I need this like I need a hole in the head. Someone go out and stock me up on orange juice.