Originally posted by Gonzo
Want to end the war right now-give the Israelis Florida, move them all there, move the Floridians to wherever they wanna go, pull all westerners out of the middle-east & western Asia, tell the Islamic radicals & those who support them that if they are caught more than 5 miles into Int'l airspace or over a friendly country they will be shot down-no holds barred. Stop all support & food to that region, get our oil elsewhere & see how long they last. They can have radios & TVs that are already there but NO MORE WESTERN HELP. We'll check on them in 5 years to see if they are ready to leave the middle-ages.
Thats about as idiotic a suggestion as I've ever heard, no offense.
Anyway, lets not pussyfoot.
If we are to win we need to, seriously, bomb the hell out of everything between Egypt and Pakistan. And don't doubt for a second that we could. We can and will probably end up doing it sooner or later anyway.
Reality is this: the terrorists aren't Afghani's. The terrorists are from the general area though, most from Saudi Arabia who are not being very supportive right now. As far as we are concerned they should be responsible for getting their rogue citizen Osama Bin Laden and all of his buddies. They haven't and we should have demanded it. Americans need to start being Americans or you will soon have no military to defend you. Take this more seriously before you are forced to. You think that the 15-20 terrorists did damage? Just wait, as you suggest.

You don't know but there are thousands of potential terrorists in each country over there including: Iraq (obviously), Iran, Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, Kuwait (YES), Saudi Arabia, and even Italy and several African countries. And lets not forget those who infiltrate our allies like England, Japan, Germany and Russia. They are there.
I'm not trying to be an ass but much of what I have read here is pretty pathetic and that is a kind word for it. If you are an American then stand up and be counted before you are no longer here to be accounted for. These Islamic Nutcases aren't ****ing around. This is not a joke. There are literally thousands of crazy people over there and all over the world (even here) that are willing to do away with civilization. Us leaving the area or just trying to kiss their asses for several years will not work. (Our security is Burger King-like employees)They want us all dead and they will find a way. We have nothing to offer them other than our lives. Don't doubt that fact.
We will either hang or be hung. And we should really make that decision now instead of waiting for a nuke to go off in several major American cities simultaneously. I know which side I'm on and I am enlisted to defend this country.
I just wish that more of my fellow citizens are as dedicated and pay as much attention to the reality as I do. TV is a lie so stop watching that crap. I have no idea why they put 99% of that bile on there when that stuff isn't what we need to know as Americans and free people. I swear, I don't hate anyone but you must deal with irrationality in a certain way and know for a fact that hiding from it is not the answer.
Everyone should have figured that out by now!
We cannot quit attacking them and in my opinion we are going to lose if we keep playing political games with the world in this. Believe me, we haven't even made a dent yet because of politics. I don't know what it takes for us to REALLY defend ourselves but so far we have done very very little considering our potential and the fact that we are going to take another mainland attack, something that has never happened for a very very long time before Sept.11th. I mean, almost 200 years!
So get off of the couch and remember that "you are either with us or against us" actually meant something because you may be facing a choice similar to those who server under G.W. 225 years ago.