Hi Gonzo. Nice to meet ya.
Yea, I've thought about that too. Liberities, Rights, Privacy...I'm sure the islamic terrorists are banking on us upholding those too so they can use our ideals to further hurt us. This is a much bigger fish than your personal privacy and mine. We're talking about the continuation of our lives, not just our rights. You can quote Mr. Franklin all you want, but Mr. Franklin never heard of biological warfare or nuclear weapons. I'm sure muskets and single shot rifles were a lot easier to deal with than invisible weapons of mass destruction.
Look, the current terrorist leaders, well, the ones exposing themselves on TV interviews at least, are asking ALL muslims to join them in the fight of their so called "Holy War".
Why do you think they're asking them that? I know that all muslim people here in America are not going to just start attacking their neighbors in the street. But I think the reason the terrorist asked that of them is because he is giving them a choice similar to the President.(You are either with us...) So could it be he asked them that because they're just on schedule and its all part of their years-long detailed plan to bring down America, the western Satan?
What if they simply provoked the U.S. with the WTC attacks and that, as terrible as they were, the WTC was just a taunt to get their terrorist ball rolling and then not seem "all that bad" when they kill hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of Americans after warning the US Military to leave their Islamic countries? These folk want to die and meet their allah and they want to take as many of us as they can with them for brownie points.
Have you listened to these men speak? Do you think they are just bluffing? One terrorist used Japan as an example of mass killing and then went on to state he had "thousands" of young people wanting die as much as Americans want to live. Where are these thousands of young people he speaks of? Are they here in the U.S. now?
Is he lying about them?
Why would he?
Am I just paranoid?
If a major chemical attack was carried out by suicide "warriors" then all they would have to do is walk throughout major US cities and spread their powders until they were too sick to walk. Simple, just like using box cutters to hijack planes. If any US city had say 50,000 or 100,000 people suddenly become sick and dying, the whole system would bottleneck and utter chaos would start. Most major hospitals would be overwelmed after 500 patients or there about.
What if they attack two or three cities at once?
Look what has happened since the WTC. We have military troups in foriegn lands. We are in recession. New York is billions of dollars at a loss and people are looking for jobs and trying to get on with their lives, but the terrorists are not through. They are still here waiting to strike again. As bad as WTC was, I don't think that will be their grand finale. Do you really believe it will be?
About 9% of the GNP depends on the U.S. Postal system and it is on the brink of closing down. Sure the politicans assure us all is ok and that they are in the proccess of upgrading postal stations to combat the anthrax threat, but will the terrorists stop with anthrax? Surely if they have access to weapon grade anthrax, they have access to other chemical weapons as well.
And if the next attack kills in the thousands again, or worse, hundreds of thousands, it could very well be the end of life as we know it. Our whole infrastructure could topple and if the most powerful nation in the world collapses, it could very well push the entire planet to fall over into chaos.
Just a few months back, I would have thought this was just a story in a book, but this is real. Hussian(sp) has been working with anthrax in Iraq for years. He used chemicals on his own people back in 1988. When Russia was heavily into chemical warfare, at one point they had thousands of people working in those labs. Where are they now? Who are they? We probably have students in US colleges that have the ability and tools to create deadly germs right there in class. Do you think maybe one of those students could possibly be one of the "thousands" of young people that Mr. Terrorist speaks so highly of?
Does Mr Terrorist really even need thousands of willing-to-die young people at his command to get what he wants done? We already know Mr Terrorist had at least 19 people here that were willing to die for his Holy War.
Do we really think this anthrax is the work of a deranged U.S. citizen like Mcveigh? Sure, anything is possible, but did you hear that one of the suicide pilots went to a doctor for medicine not too long before 9-11. The doctor looks back now and says that the man's flu-like syptoms may have well indeed been anthrax poisioning after learning of the inital Florida case. Which btw, is where the suicide pilots are known to have resided while taking flight lessons and preparing.
Am I suggesting a modern day witch hunt? I'm not sure, and it really does scare me to think about that.
I'm not proposing that we round up all arabs and detain them. But we do need to look in their direction and make sure the ones living in this country are the peaceful ones and not the fundamental islamic types that view us as Satan. It probably won't help much anyway to be perfectly honest, but do we really want to protect the rights of individuals like the 19 hijackers that lived here up until 9-11? Of course some people will be harrassed, but there have already been thousands of Americans
murdered. Their rights are gone forever. Many of them are still buried deep in Manhattan rubble at this very minute. They have no essential liberty to give up but they have lost everything!
Witch hunt or not, the scary thing is there really are witches out there this time unlike in Salem so long ago.
I'm torn, because part of me agrees with you 100%, but another part has suspicions that our way of life is one of the weapons being used against us by these terrorists and it could very well be the most damaging and effective of all. These terrorist laugh at our freedoms and ideals. They spit on them and burn our Flag. There are millions of non-muslims in this country, should we really sacrifice their safety to protect the privacy of a minority living here? Of which some are not even U.S. citizens? Would Mr. Franklin agree with that you think?
Its a tough call for sure and these are tough times. Saudi is already getting angry at the thousand or so detained here right now and are calling for their release. People scattered all over the world are saying we got what we deserved and then shout angrily when some afghan civilians are killed. What about those 5000+ American Civilians murdered in one day?? The taliban accuses us of genocide, yet they hide behind their civilians in churchs and use them as shields and keep bin laden tucked safely in their tunnels. 16 people were shot dead in a Christian church over there just the other day. Now if American forces committed calculated, cold blooded murder like that, the middle-eastern world would surely grow more unified against us, but when they murder, nothing is really said about it in their circles. They want us dead and then turn around and accuse us of genocide and meanwhile, as they continue to kill, we are busy trying to rationalize whether we should invade some privacies or not.
I know I am way too long winded on this subject, but that is because it scares me. It scares me to think about my 8 yr old daughter being at school while a nuclear reactor sits 40 miles away. It scares me because my wife works at federal buildings daily and who knows when the next "funny looking" powder will pour out of an envelope somewhere near her. It also scares me to realize our way of life has changed and it will never go back to what it was like prior to 9-11. I'm not going to discuss this matter here on this board anymore though because I'm new here and don't want too many peeps raising eyebrows at me