Name is same used by a slow lumbering vegetarian weighing 30 tons and 70 foot long. Brontosaurus now exstinct and if thats not bad enough they changed the name

While not the biggest, not the meaniest, possibly the dumdest, does have claim to fame as most debated of all the dinosaurs.
Name before that was Kntfst containing in no particular order most used letters in foul words. Also abbreviation for KnightFast because during the summer, night time is short and Modem speeds are faster.
Currently using online gaming name of DrtyDzn short for DirtyDozen. After the movie of military convicts used in suicide missions during WWII.
X-Rated nickname of 'Lum' for those adult oriented places one come across on the web. Lum is a large breasted, highly figured with long blue or green hair. Anime character of the show Urusei Yatsura, who is dumb innocent type, but gets pissed when taken advantage of.