Mirlyn, I'll add you and Cam to my friend list too the next time I'm online. Having the time difference with you will actually work for us; I don't get home till late from work but you'll probably be on. Also, what type of characters are you? If I pick up any special stuff along the way, I'll save it for you if I have the room to hang on to it.
Jonas, we figured out what the whisper problem is. I can whisper to Steve using /w sottoga. But his username/character name is the same. So is mine. So I can't use /w noite_escura, I have to use your character name.
Prof, are you serious about trying to play this game on a 28.8? I'm sure one of us has got a 56k laying around somewhere we can send you. That's just crazy. Also, what's your account name so we can add you to our friend list?
I think I'm going to start another character, a sorceress maybe. So if I catch up to any of you in the lower levels, I'll let you know. Right now I'm in Act III and completed Quest 1 and 2.
I actually had to get up and stretch yesterday from playing so much. My right hand was numb and cold, my left elbow was sore from leaning on the armrest, and my knees were sore from sitting indian-style too long. I also have this bad habit of leaving myself in the game and walking away for hours at a time. So if you message me and I don't answer, that's probably why. Right Steve?
I'm beginning to see the differences in the way we all play. I'm slow, like to explore every little nook and cranny, pick up as much as possible and go back to town frequently. Jonas never likes going to town and I'm always losing Steve in the dark in the dungeons, he runs too fast for me.