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  1. Q


    WOW!!:eek: ...and the scary part is 2 people actually voted yes.
  2. Q

    If you're feeling bored this evening

    I'm not sure how much good it will do, but I signed the petition.
  3. Q

    Just got done puking up yellow bile

    I couldn't agree more. Except, after a while, people tend not to excuse the fact that you're an asshole because of it.
  4. Q

    OKay, who's the wiseguy who put my pic on HOT OR NOT? should talk to OUTLAW on the phone! ...his voice is soft and sexy:eek: :)
  5. Q

    Best way to ask a girl out

    I gotta go with fuser here. If you don't ask, you ain't got a shot. If she's got a bf she'll tell ya...if not carry on! :D
  6. Q

    I think my sound card is puking

    I am running g@h. Prolly currently working on a 900aa. Crappy processor...giant gene. Go figure. Anyway...resources are at 49%....they'll shoot up to 89%, if I re-boot. Next question...if I buy a SBLive, is anybody willing to talk me through disabling the onboard sound and installing the...
  7. Q

    I think my sound card is puking

    Re: Re: I think my sound card is puking [rocky the flying squirrel voice]....and now! a word from Mr. Know-it-all! [/rocky the flying squirrel voice] :p it's a 7360
  8. Q

    I think my sound card is puking

    I have a compaq presario with an onboard sound card. The mobo has already been replaced once due to a faulty sound card. Last time the sound card just quit working. This time it's doing weird shit. Sometimes it makes a very irritating popping/scratchy noice when I click on links. It either...
  9. Q

    OKay, who's the wiseguy who put my pic on HOT OR NOT?

    awww....Spirit, you definately deserve more than a 3 :mad:
  10. Q

    Software - Utilities

    Time for a fresh link. This is the reg cleaner a13 refered me to, I was quite impressed.
  11. Q

    Music anyone?

    I like lots of different kinds of music too. Blues has to be #1, but after that it just depends on my mood. I really enjoy techno. Long ago and far away during a few ICQ "happy hour" chats I used to try to persuage Huge to d/l Madonna and chair dance with me....never managed to get him drunk...
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    OKay, who's the wiseguy who put my pic on HOT OR NOT?

    You shoulda played dumb longer...had me goin':D
  13. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA FASTY!! nice to see you here!
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    OKay, who's the wiseguy who put my pic on HOT OR NOT?

    Not me...but if it's any consolation, I gave you a 10. How did you find out you were on hot or not?
  15. Q

    A cow falling on you must suck...

    ...and no significant injuries to the cow! *phew* That cow could've been hurt bad. I like cows.
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    I need cooling advice

    **NEWS FLASH** I got the monitor!! ....and it's too heavy for my temporary desk. I have constructed a make-shift desk, out of 1/2"plywood and 2x4's until the marble one I'm working on is done. I may have to attach a piece of 1/2" pylwood to the other one and add a few more 2x4's and anchor...
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    Is your computer male or female?

    HEY!!! don't take it out on us if your computer is sexually repressed!
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    Is your computer male or female?

    Mine are boys: The Beast and Dino, I haven't named the t-bird yet, I gotta get to know him better before he gets a name.
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    Join me...

  20. Q

    Burger King made shoes?

    I still got one pair of gray ones and the high top part that folds down is pink! *Q proudly dangles foot off edge of desk displaying oooold sneakers* :D