

Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I've got a page going over at my website BiosCentral about hte PhoenixNet technology being developed. If your concerned about your privacy then it's worth checking out. No, I'm not trying to spam another forum, just trying to inform others.


Staff member
...and the scary part is 2 people actually voted yes.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Yeah. Kinda sad really. My biggest problem with this the simple fact that a BIOS has a purpose in life. It's there to make your computer work. As it is, most are instable as updates are pumped out the door at record paces. Now, they want to push you with a marketing campaign that's NOT uninstallable. In addition, your system performance will drop anywhere from 10% to 35% on a PhoenixNet PC. That's the problem trying to run a program from slow ass ROm in a modern PC...

I also wonder if that's all they are doing with this. I mean, as it is they are selling your information. They say so blatently. But is that all they are selling or disclosing? What about monitoring you? Hmmm. Sounds rather radical really but it does get one wondering.


Staff member
I hate how they make it sound like they're doing you a giant favor....we're doing this for your own good, because after all, we don't want to send you just any ol spam...we want to send you user specific spam. And the d/'s they offer, will those be containing even more spyware?


Staff member
This is a really, REALLY, REALLY bad idea by Phoenix.

Think of all the new possibilities for virii.

Someone could easily find out how this auto bios-updating feature works, and exploit it to their advantage

Need I say more?


I have an idea for people that like advertising. How about a seperate screen built into the bottom of every monitor under the screen that you read that has small banner ads that are built into the hardware?