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  1. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Yeah, silly Gonzo:p
  2. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Thank you s4. *hugs s4*;)
  3. Q


    I like it, and it's better than my borrowed Linux chick one! :D
  4. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    I already said Hi, in the weenie post, it's my birthday, gimme a toy!:grin:
  5. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey, wait a second...who is toymaker?? ...and more importantly, can I have a toy? :D
  6. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA WEENIE!!
  7. Q


    Oooh, don't tell him that! I shudder to think which eye he considers his "good" one :eek:
  8. Q

    Happy Birthday Outlaw!!

    Krusty was celebrating for us yesterday morning! :D
  9. Q

    Q's b-day

    Thanks Darlin! and in your honor I shall purchase some Labatts Blue (...bottled in Florida:rolleyes: ) but Canadian beer nonetheless! and celebrate with you later on ICQ!!
  10. Q

    Q's b-day

    I sure hope you're wearing the fancy codpiece I like, the one for special occasions! :D
  11. Q

    Car problems

    He doesn't have that Bronco anymore. He moved to California. Prolly bought a volvo or a caravan.:D
  12. Q

    Q's b-day

    without me??:D
  13. Q

    Last chance...I'm uploading my new site design within this weekend, need feedback!!!

    Looks great! I have IE 5.5 and cable. It loads fast, looks good, and the reference about HA not making you physically ill cracked me up!:lol: ....still love that mahogany case too!:)
  14. Q

    Meeting with jopes

    Thank you Dear, I get such a charge outta those page cannot be displayed pages!:p The page cannot be displayed There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
  15. Q

    I wanna start some sheeet in here!!

    I know. ...and looking at the gallery which just has heads now, it occurs to me some people might actually be decieved into thinking I really look like that.:laugh:
  16. Q

    Happy Birthday Outlaw!!

    Outlaw's special, he needs his own thread. I hope you get a chip for your new mobo...and beer!:grin: *Q cops a quick b-day feel* :D
  17. Q

    Q's b-day

    Thank you everybody! :) and a special thanks to Huge and Dark Angel who sent me cards too :wave: You guys are great!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Q


    Thanks Mephisto and everybody! :grin:
  19. Q

    Hello tech support?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D:D:D how did you explain the problem? ......................without laughing!
  20. Q

    Hello tech support?

    I think it is