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  1. Q

    How would you commemorate the Twin Towers and loss of life???

    ok, so smartly dressed sniper was a little understated....Klingon vaporizer? fine by me.:evillaff:
  2. Q

    How would you commemorate the Twin Towers and loss of life???

    As much as I'd like to see the towers rebuilt...and believe me I'm majorly into architecture...I just don't know how many people would want to go into a high rise that tall again everyday. Although I would imagine it would be a 3 year project after the year they expect it to take to clean up...
  3. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Howie, don't pick on occupant or I will have to kick your ass....mkay?
  4. Q

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    I hope I get fears name in the drawing. I know just what to get him :D
  5. Q

    Twisted List: Five Things You Should Never Download

    yeah....what the hell is beef and brocoli??
  6. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Oooooh occupant is finally here!!!!! :wave: HIYA OCCUPANT!!!
  7. Q

    Happy Birthday, majorDad!

  8. Q

    Trivia #2

    1.) I believe this is the code name for the quick eject seat in Pintos 2.) 1972 3.) Windsor 4.) Edsel 5.) winshield wipers?
  9. Q

    Which ICQ # are we using?

    I guess that leaves your friendly neighborhood OCN list. :D for now
  10. Q

    100,000 thread views!

  11. Q

    Dealership problems

    Technically yeah, but technically they offered his wife 15,750 for the trade in and she made the deposit in good faith on that figure. I would do what prof said first. BBB and the newspaper or a local TV station. If that doesn't work. Take them to small claims.
  12. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA ACID !!!!
  13. Q

    AT&T Broadband buys rest of Excite@Home

    They would never eliminate the service...the income is over 14M a month. They might try to jam everybody up with a huge rate increase, but they won't kill our cable.
  14. Q

    Have a little Spirit...

    Heavens to mergatroid Spirit, your hair got HUGE!! ...:scared:
  15. Q

    so very, very wrong

    Are you sure the wanker wasn't found in a bottle of Squirt?:worm:
  16. Q

    2 Men on a mission...please help!

    What friends? I smacked em all down and took their dollars. :D
  17. Q

    GMan...The Ultimate Truck Driver

    hmmmm....would that be a codpiece adorning his loincloth???:worm:
  18. Q

    US and Britain to strike terror camps within days

    The Talibans 20 aircraft air force?? That oughta take about a minute :D:smash:
  19. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA SHAMAN!!
  20. Q

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    COOL...I'm in.:wave: