Well, Christmas is coming again. In the past 10 yrs, all it has been to me was making my babies happy. Still is that to me. I love that.... nothin' better 
Now, I was thinking, how about a Secret Santa here on XI? I could set up a hotmail account and all that are interested can e mail me thier mailing addresses. Those who don't want to give thier mailing addresses could specify that they prefer a gift certificate e-mailed to them. Also... you have to tell me in your mail whether you want G, PG or XXX type gift. After a time, I take all the names, put them in a hat and draw them.... who buys for whom. I send you the persons name and you take it from there.
There would have to be a spending limit to be determined by us here. I am only doing this so far in advance because then you can have time to figure out what to get your person and mail it off in time. NOt that that will happen for some of you
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Now, I was thinking, how about a Secret Santa here on XI? I could set up a hotmail account and all that are interested can e mail me thier mailing addresses. Those who don't want to give thier mailing addresses could specify that they prefer a gift certificate e-mailed to them. Also... you have to tell me in your mail whether you want G, PG or XXX type gift. After a time, I take all the names, put them in a hat and draw them.... who buys for whom. I send you the persons name and you take it from there.
There would have to be a spending limit to be determined by us here. I am only doing this so far in advance because then you can have time to figure out what to get your person and mail it off in time. NOt that that will happen for some of you

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