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  1. Q


    There isnt a disk in one of the drives, is there?
  2. Q


    ok then, well do it your way...move over and quit hoggin all the covers :D
  3. Q

    Neo, I didn't know you had a band?

    Does he need to wear a hard hat there too? :D
  4. Q


    I'm here. You are NOT here. So there.
  5. Q

    Know what I was thinkin'?

    *GASP*......What??? car? all expense paid trip to Hawaii? washer and dryer with artificial intelligence to choose the water temp, type and amount of detergent and auto fold the clothes?:confused:
  6. Q

    "Operation Infinite Justice"

    Phew, what a relief...the pilots aren't 80 and the planes look purdy. :D
  7. Q

    Know what I was thinkin'?

    but you said riff the official tattler, it is my duty to record such things in the report....don't make me have to tell on you again :p now...about my prize for the contest in automotive...will I be getting to choose one myself? or will one be awarded? :D
  8. Q

    Know what I was thinkin'?

    Riff raff, huh? *scribbles furiously in the report, vol.2*
  9. Q


    Damn, I almost got em all right. 2.) C ...I was gonna put that 5.) I almost put that 6.) B ...I only picked that because that's how many americans had theirs installed wrong. I heard it on the radio. 7.) Never woulda got that in a million years 8.) I believe in addition to the answer you...
  10. Q

    My mechanic

    I suppose, but I think if you bumped into her the recoil could be dangerous.:scared:
  11. Q

    s4 here

    Ya know....all you people that gave me shit about my desk...s4 has the very same make and model as me and no one picked on his desk. :p *skulks off to pick slivers out of arm*
  12. Q

    My mechanic

    Real boobs of those proportions would not be standing up like that. They'd be lying on the ground on either side of her. :p there.
  13. Q

    For the ladies

    Thanks Fuse...we all share the same dream...and he is the missing link...NOT:sick: ...good way to lure all the ladies back here.:p
  14. Q


    *Q locks kirk in the manroom* :D ...he won't notice till he runs outta food and clean clothes:lurk:
  15. Q


    They aren't my boats:cry2: I'm building a marble desk...the cheesy plywood is temporary.
  16. Q


    I took this from the building we've been working in
  17. Q

    Printer problem

    You can still be my hero Fuser.:love: This thing is just possessed. If the real CD drivers don't work...looks like it might be time to GO SHOPPING!!!!:D
  18. Q


    Pretty stylish, huh? :D(Those aren't paint buckets...they're epoxy buckets) Heres one of kirk and with punkin butt and snuggy
  19. Q

    Soft or hard?

    It's really H.R.H Puffnstuff (his royal highness) ..but they used to leave one "H" off, cuz I think the song sounded better without it.