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  1. Q

    Word Assosiation!!!

    cool boarders
  2. Q

    Word Assosiation!!!

    Bill Gates
  3. Q

    original food fight thread

    Fried green tomatoes.. :lol: we laugh at fried green tomatoes. *pulls slingshot out of sidesaddle weapon stash on SUPERCHOPPER lobs fried green tomato remnants back at fuser* the hell did he survive my cow attack? *drops off package of rotten fish and linburger cheese for furys...
  4. Q

    Word Assosiation!!!

    Pam Anderson
  5. Q

    Word Assosiation!!!

  6. Q

    Wanted:Dead or ALive

    That is a very cool site!
  7. Q

    Dogs eye view

    None of those even remotely resembled my dogs' noses. :mad:
  8. Q

    Kissy Goddess offline

    ...But we just got her back!!! :cry2: This place ain't the same without our Kissy Goddess. :cry:
  9. Q


    HEY!!! what is this? 20 questions? you can't just up the ante and ask as many questions as you feel :mad: like
  10. Q

    original food fight thread

    I don't know what poutine is, but it's no match for my forcefield....*fires 3 month old meatloaf back with acme® cattle launcher* WHOA!!! look at the baby fly!
  11. Q


    oooookayyyyyyyy...*gives unc a friendly bonk on the head whilst passing the baton to gonz*
  12. Q

    original food fight thread

    *Q whips up the invisible force field around the castle* Breaks out handy dandy acme® cattle launcher....fires cow over castle wall.....*SPLAT*
  13. Q


    yup....*twirls baton and dances around teasing Gonz with it*
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...watermelon!! *levels paper towel-pop rock grenade launcher at fuser* he looks wayyy too clean, nobody got him yet. Clean up on aisle 3 please...clean up on aisle 3!
  15. Q


    *snatches baton...I might need this in L&C* The quote 'The Present Day Composer Refuses To Die' appeared in the liner notes of several Frank Zappa albums. To whom is this quote attributed?
  16. Q

    original food fight thread

    Lifesavers?? Did somebody say lifesavers? What flavor life saver?? *loads up and empty papertowel roll with pop rocks...perpares to detonate them with Mountain Dew*
  17. Q


    The Gunslinger is definately Roland. Roland of Gilead. Guess the town is Gilead.
  18. Q

    original food fight thread

    *peels glue off Gonzo...oooh I love doing this, it's just like peeling a sunburn* *scatters skittles in front of the door....waiting for furys lawyer to show up*
  19. Q

    original food fight thread

    The time zone of your Law agency is not recognized as official. *changes setting on pez dispenser to 11(read:Spinal Tap)*
  20. Q

    original food fight thread

    It was past the close of business on August 6,2001 when this letter was submitted. nyah nyaynya nyah nyah *changes setting on pez dispenser to stun*