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  1. Q

    I missed it

    That makes the most sense to me. I don't think paint would bond to the ice and I also think it would prolly bleed if it were applied directly to the ice.
  2. Q

    First Date Stories

    HEY!!! you can't stick a pic in on an edit so here :D
  3. Q

    First Date Stories

    Got Sheep? :D
  4. Q

    I'm leaving

    Health regimen...yes. Beer and piano moving. I think I've seen an infomercial about that when I couldn't sleep one night :D
  5. Q

    First Date Stories

    I think br0ck has nailed it! :D...hey br0ck, what are ya doin' Fri night? ...oh, yeah, playing with your packages :(
  6. Q

    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    Did you try babelfish? It's part of the Alta Vista translator.
  7. Q

    First Date Stories

    *kicks Gonz* :mad: ...take that..stupid :smash:
  8. Q

    First Date Stories

    If you can hold off a couple more weeks, I highly recommend Halloween Horror night at Universal. :scared:
  9. Q

    Got me a new Car

    I think that's a nice one, just needs to get cropped a tad :)
  10. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Helloooooo 75renegade!! :wave: Welcome to the forums!
  11. Q

    Got me a new Car

    It's a dream boat squeeks! Nice goin' :thup: and ...uh..speaking of dream boats, when are you going to submit your pic to the gallery?? :worm:
  12. Q

    No more ICQ

    Don't you think you should have zeroed in on the missing me part instead of the freak technical difficulties? hmmmm??? :cry2:
  13. Q

    No more ICQ

    You wanna know what I think? Ok, here's what I think... half the problems are due to that crap-ass 28.8 modem...not all the problems, cuz icq does do some flakey stuff...but a stable connection would help alot. And another thing..I think you are mad now, but you will miss me before too long...
  14. Q

    Organ donation

    You could be a snapdragon next to me, if ya want :)
  15. Q

    Organ donation

    Anybody who doesn't think their organs are suitable for donation...think again. For one thing, organs tend to take on the chronological attributes of the physical age of the recipient. So your old beat up 50 or 60 year old kidneys will rejuvinate back to age 12, if that is the age of the...
  16. Q

    Organ donation

    That's cool. Is the Heart Institute in charge of dispersing the other organs too?
  17. Q

    Organ donation

    Since I have every intention of coming back as a lovely little multi-colored snapdragon...I won't be needing mine. :worm:
  18. Q

    Hey Aussies & New Zealanders

    Early last week, the Australian government sparked international criticism by barring a Norwegian ship carrying 433 asylum seekers from docking in Australia. Where were the asylum seekers coming from? Surely they weren't seeking refuge in Australia or New Zealand from Norway??.how did they...
  19. Q

    Organ donation

    Full organ donor here too...and FYI, besides having the organ donor consent on your drivers license, it's very important to make sure your family knows to give consent as well. Shadowfax is that how you do it in Europe too, on your drivers license? Now that I think about it, I'm...
  20. Q

    Defragging with g@h

    Ok, first of all, shes moms friend :p ...and second of all, although she never said it, I don't think she is doing any money laundering or Beta testing, since I have been unable to persuade her from being terrorized by Juno. :sick: she pushin' 70 :D So the next logical question is: do you...