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  1. Q

    A m8 from Scotland wrote this....

    I think he just used evil race cuz it rhymed. see look: Children of the world unite we need to, to win this fight the fight against this evil assholes to make our world a better place Children of the world unite we need to, to win this fight the fight against this evil...
  2. Q

    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    I sent an email to the lady in charge of the Florida division. I also sent one to the webmaster, just for the hell of it. :mad:
  3. Q

    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    We need to find this Bill Schrempfs email addy. He obviously needs a lesson in patriotism.:mad:
  4. Q

    1000 posts in L&C

    Q places Gonzos hands delicately, but urgently on wineys hips, winey responds to Gonzs....wait wait wait oops wrong characters :D
  5. Q


    hmmm, think Bush wears blue tights under his slacks? :worm:
  6. Q

    Many thanks...

    Keiko, if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask. Someone will always be happy to help you. :)
  7. Q


    Huge, I and everybody here is glad you did get your ass away from there before the buildings collapsed. It never occured to me, and prolly most other average americans that those buildings actually would fall. After they withstood the impact of the planes and continued to stand, I figured it...
  8. Q

    1000 posts in L&C

    Oh any limburger? :D
  9. Q

    KDS VS-195i: Good monitor?

    I guess that shipping isn't too bad. Those suckers are way heavy. lower humidity(?) possibly more static electricity? only thing I can think of. :retard:
  10. Q

    1000 posts in L&C

    *hands on hips...venomous look in Gonzos direction* shut up...stupid. *dumps cottage cheese on Gonz's head* :D
  11. Q

    KDS VS-195i: Good monitor?

    Is this the one you ordered? It looks nice, but I don't know anything about them. I'm really curious what the shipping on a monitor is. Let me know if you do order it over the net.
  12. Q


    I'm not PRO-nukes either...I expressed a knee jerk reaction earlier in this thread and I regret it now. ...anyway, I swiped this next bit from fallguy over at OCN, who has had very a very level-headed attitude and reasonable solutions during this whole ordeal. IMHO. link to the article...
  13. Q

    Anyone that wants to help the Red Cross look here

    $7.00 is cool flurf :thup: ...and I'm delighted you finally got a new monitor.
  14. Q

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    NO FIGHTING!!!!....and don't think this won't go into the report either :mad:
  15. Q

    Anyone that wants to help the Red Cross look here

    I just want to share a little story I have about the Red Cross. In 1985 I lived in the panhandle of Florida. We got clobbered by hurrican Elana. I lived very close to the water and this hurricane moved in fast. There was little time to evacuate. There was no time to protect any material...
  16. Q

    Yes, they do give a damn...

    I can't even put in to words how it makes me feel to see the emotion and compassion from people all over the world. As far as I can imagine it is the only good thing to come out of this horrible tragedy. I'm sure it's something the terrorists never counted on. I cried when I saw the tape of...
  17. Q

    Get your butts in here!

    10-4 Crabbles...I clicked too. Thanks for the heads up! :thup:
  18. Q

    Yes, they do give a damn...

    That made me cry. Awesome link Maxy!
  19. Q

    Its birthday time

  20. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA KEIKO!!!