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  1. Q

    XiBase IRC channel

    an irc but? yep, he sure was :D
  2. Q

    XiBase IRC channel

    :D I already had kind of a shitty attitude...then that thing was mean to me...he may not be making himself to comfy in my program files. :p
  3. Q

    XiBase IRC channel

    It wasn't empty when I went there...just hostile :smash:
  4. Q

    XiBase IRC channel

    That thing hates me. :mad:
  5. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Excellent suggestion! a.) you're correct in that she is a monster b.) just to get the case out of it's cubby hole you need to disconnect every single cable attached to the mobo/ modem/ hub c.)since it is necessary to remove the HDD and the floppy just to get at the ram slots, I would imagine...
  6. Q


    Believe it or not fuse, there are jumbo chunks of the states that do not have cable or DSL access. I live in Sarasota county in Fl, which is the 2nd richest county in the state/per capita and there are areas here that don't have access to either. (and I'm talking 1/2 million dollar beachfront...
  7. Q


    My name is Q...and I am a bandwidth addict. :cry2: *still reeling in terror at ATT vs. @home shakeup* :scared:
  8. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Holy Crapamoly!! You guys are the best! Huge, I'm really glad you have net access from work, it's really nice to have you around more again. I had major Huge-withdrawal during the moving-transition peroid. ...and s4, I will definately research the user comments. That is a great habit I...
  9. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Huge!!! That'll work! with any luck the problem won't be here after the 30 day trial period and if it is it will be worth every penny of $50.00. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! *Hugs Huge* :love:
  10. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    I need to lock windows at the desktop. Due to an evil 12 year old and a 24/7 always on connection. I'm not sure how extensive her computer knowledge is, but just to be safe, lets assume it's extensive. I have 2 different windows books, but all they offer are the cheesy kind you can opt out of...
  11. Q

    I almost lost my lunch today...

    Eiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's what I was thinking too. :sick:
  12. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome starcatcher :wave: Welcome to the boards...Enjoy! :)
  13. Q

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    I'll change your oil prof...service with a snarl :D ...but you'll prolly need another one by the time you get back home :spin:
  14. Q

    Me and my monster

    That's gotta be one of the funniest things I even read.....Outlaw, you're such a shit :D Fuser, your kid is a doll...and you're a cutie too :)
  15. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA REDRUM!!!
  16. Q

    my printer is not well

    Maybe you should water cool it. :D Sorry s4, I couldn't help myself :lol: but perhaps fuser has some ideas.
  17. Q


    FINALLY!!! Congrats Pad-baby!! you're gonna love it :thup:
  18. Q

    Internet Explorer 6

    sounds like a good reason to stick with 5.5 :eh:
  19. Q

    I'm stepping down as moderator

    ooh, guess I was better off krusty hogged :D :sick:
  20. Q

    Happy Birthday HomeLAN!!!

    ....that would be flurf :cool: :D