Search results

  1. Q

    open mouth.....insert foot

    ok, maybe honking at him's not such a good bout this...go up to him and say: were you on such and such a street on Wednesday about 5:00? when he says yeah, say...did you see that lunatic in the (insert make and color of your car here)...then just say yeah, me too....act like it...
  2. Q

    open mouth.....insert foot

    When you see him in the hall at work, sneak up behind him really fast, make a real loud honking sound...then look around, like you're wondering who did that. :D
  3. Q

    Ice Storm

    I can't get that damn video thing to work. It keeps saying buffering, please wait, then it says stopped. :mad:
  4. Q

    Ice Storm

    I have all the windows open and a nice little fan on me. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top and I'm delightfully comfortable. :D
  5. Q

    Let's all feel sorry for this guy

    Not from Cohen he won't. He'll never see a dime outta that guy. He's better off going after Network Solutions.
  6. Q

    Give me 67 acres of your land

    The lady was too stupid to receive that kinda settlement...and the con man was still at it even after he got nailed. :retard:
  7. Q

    Vote for a new M&M color

  8. Q

    Sorry about that.

    no shit....disclaimer or not....this is entirely too much man-love :sick: *turns hose on fury and shadow*
  9. Q

    Interesting read about a stolen iCrap

    Who would even bother taking a mac?:retard: Then they installed AOL on it. :lol: that's a punishment in itself.:scared:
  10. Q

    I am no longer going to be a moderator

    s4 you may not step down from a mod position...the contract you signed when you were appointed, clearly stated that you must remain a moderator for the rest of your natural life, plus an additional 2 get back in your forum and moderate. :smash:
  11. Q

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    I know how the dog biscuit got it there....but I'm not tellin'. :p :D
  12. Q


    Welcome Julila!! :wave: Mental Health expert, huh??? We need one of those.....ok, we need a whole buncha those. :D Stick around, we'll drive ya crazy.:spin:
  13. Q

    Indiana Jones 4

    I love Harrison. The guy is just great.
  14. Q

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    *shines flashlight in ear in the mirror* ......yup, just as I suspected, nothin' in there :D no WAIT!!! I see something!! 2 quarter inch wood screws and a half a dog biscuit. ...pretty entertaining, huh, Posty? :D
  15. Q

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    *Q twirls on head* lookie NEO...two people actually admitted they followed me. :D
  16. Q

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    I made alex come here...tralalalala :D:D:D I come here cuz I just love all the people here. :love:
  17. Q

    I need a lighter

    Ooooh, that's gonna hurt for 2 days. I hate it when that happens.:smash:
  18. Q

    Footage of me being a drunken idiot

    *GASP* that what happened to Fuser???? you little drunken retards better give him up....right this minute!:cuss:
  19. Q

    Footage of me being a drunken idiot

    ...and why were you humping everybody? even the boys. eiw
  20. Q

    I'm an uncle!

    She's a beauty Huge!!! :) *smacks Huge for that last comment* Miss Right is out there, but she's prolly not gonna come kick down your door, now go find her. :smash: