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  1. Q

    Huge Birthday!

    Whoa!! That thing is kewl :thup:
  2. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    *GASP*:worm: I just realized Bronto didn't start his repiles with hiyas
  3. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    :scared: Jeez, I thought $4.06 was bad. I'm gonna order 3 cartons Friday.
  4. Q

    Still alive and kickin'.....

    :wave: Hey! I wondered what happened to you guys! Glad you're back.
  5. Q

    Couldn't drag me there with a team of horses.

    I'm too old and I just don't think I'd look good in one of those scarf get ups. :D
  6. Q

    Couldn't drag me there with a team of horses.

    The South Pole and the Middle East.
  7. Q

    Wanted - unused 8gig hdd IDE

    Man, are these suckers hard to find! if you can get away with an 8.4: Here's one for a dollar :D
  8. Q

    Huge Birthday!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUGE!!!! :hbd::beerchug::love:
  9. Q

    Spitball boy almost gets 8 years in the slammer

    I kinda figured there was more to that story.:lurk:
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    GATO is an old man today

    see? tolja :D
  11. Q

    GATO is an old man today

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GATO!!!! :hbd::beerchug: ...let me be the first to call you over the hill :D
  12. Q

    internet problems

    It's them pad, don't let them bullshit you. I don't know what that home amp with return path thing is either, but you shouldn't have to buy extra crap to make your cable work properly. Sounds to me like they got too much traffic during peak times. Bug the shit out of them, that's what I...
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    Kidnapped Utah girl

    It doesn't seem random. Something weird is going on.
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    a cherry?? pfft *ducks* *plops a buncha biscuits and gravy on profs head*
  15. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    I cleaned it, I cleaned it. There was even crap behind the mobo....good thing it's clear so I could find all the scuz, huh? :D
  16. Q

    original food fight thread *squirts prof with cake decorating writing stuff*
  17. Q

    Judges Toss Out Online Porn Law

    Good point about the Penthouse. ....and yeah, it is censorship, technically. But I think it kinda falls in that same vein as not allowing liquor to be sold within a thousand feet of a school (or whatever the actual distance may be) we aren't enforcing prohibition, just restricting the location...
  18. Q

    Sad story from my town...

    Yep. Happened here too. 2 ladies were driving on I-75 when some kids dropped a 30 lb hunk of concrete off an overpass. It hit the driver directly in the head. She was killed instantly, but fortunately the passenger had her wits about her enough to get the car pulled over to the side of the...
  19. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    You are shitting on my thread. Behavior unbecoming of a moderator, no matter where you are a mod. Grow up.
  20. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Go away s4. If you don't smoke, then this thread doesn't concern you. Some of us do smoke...and until they amend the constitution, we have every right to do so.