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  1. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Wow, free delivery too. Yesmoke didn't have my brand (Marlboro Menthol) but the other one did. Bronto, they didn't taste stale or anything, did they? How long did it take to get them?
  2. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Speaking of deleting threads, don't you need to be at OTC abusing your power right now? You haven't locked or unlocked or deleted any threads in a few days. There are two threads referring to female genitalia ready to spiral out of control at any second. I thought you take your job seriously.
  3. Q

    Judges Toss Out Online Porn Law

    I don't see why it's such a big deal to block porn at the library. It's not like they're blocking ALL porn. Gonz, I wanna hear the sick pup porn library stories!!:worm:
  4. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    I don't think I sent a copy of my DL to get on this mailing list. But I did call up not too long ago to have them add my friend, all they asked for was her DOB.
  5. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    1-800-MARLBORO (1-800-627-5267) (duh :D) 9am-midnight EST
  6. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    I have an 800 number somewhere for Marlboro. You can call up and get added to their mailing list and get good coupons right from Marlboro. I'll look for it.
  7. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Marlboros are supposed to go on sale again the first week in July. What kind do you smoke pad?
  8. Q

    original food fight thread

    C-5? I laugh at your C-5!:p *smooshes peanut butter on your detonators* *snorts a few pixy stix*:dance: *Bonks Gato with an extra long hard salami*
  9. Q


    He's not back....That was a drive-by Fusing :cry2:
  10. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    *TWIRLS ON HEAD!!!* it woiks, it woiks :D:D:D
  11. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Cheeeeeeep cigarettes here:
  12. Q


    FUSER!!!!!!! I was crying and crying for months:cry2: I thought you were never coming back.
  13. Q

    Free! Free! Free at last!

    Eiw. Getting a cast off is sooooo gross. I broke my arm when I was 7, I was happily scratching away by sticking a cocktail stirrer in there when the damn thing broke, the more I tried to get it out, the further in it went. I didn't want to tell my mom, so it stayed in there about a...
  14. Q

    Whatcha doing this weekend?

    I have a very exciting weekend planned. Clean the house, do laundry, watch TV, install my psu and maaaybe wash the dogs.
  15. Q

    original food fight thread

    Don't threaten me with your pansy ass little forklift Bucko:D *loads up boom with jumbo watermelons* I'll just hop in my crane:p
  16. Q

    original food fight thread

    nope :D *runs over Gatos 10k MRE squooshin' forklift with a backhoe full of pomagranites*
  17. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    :scared:*GASP*'re not supposed to scare me like that! The new psu is sitting on the counter top wainting for me to put it in. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED!
  18. Q

    original food fight thread

    *clad in nothing but a sparkly silver spandex body stocking and knee high lace up platform sliver rocket boots* (I saw those boots at the flea market...they're really cool)...ok, they didn't have the rockets, but pretend, ok? *sprinkles parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme and molasses on the crowd*
  19. Q

    I HATE it when that happens!

    Great idea! ...if the objective is to burn the house down. :p
  20. Q

    Evil Plan Generator

    Evil Plan (tm)! Your objective is simple: Criminal Activities. Your motive is a little bit more complex: Evil - It's my nature Stage One To begin your plan, you must first traumatize a rich and powerful ceo. This will cause the world to sign up for life insurance policies, paralyzed by...