It saddens me to think that there are a couple of kids out there right now that have yet to step forward and account for thier actions. (Story here)
What happened to remorse? Why haven't thier parents noticed that thier behaviours *must* be different?? Do they not have an idea that thier kids were out at that time of the night? Would they not know to question thier kids after hearing of such a horrible thing which is all over the news?
They are trying to keep the object that was thrown a secret, why? I mean, they ellude to the fact that it is something from someones yard.. and the radio has mentioned a rock-type object that weighed about 30 lbs... why not get to the point and give a detailed description so that, just in case it was an object from one of the culprits homes, and the parents don't wanto say, maybe a neighbor can say :Hey! That was in the Jones' yard!!"??
The man died of injuries to his abdomen (so it was last reported, before it was head wounds).

What happened to remorse? Why haven't thier parents noticed that thier behaviours *must* be different?? Do they not have an idea that thier kids were out at that time of the night? Would they not know to question thier kids after hearing of such a horrible thing which is all over the news?
They are trying to keep the object that was thrown a secret, why? I mean, they ellude to the fact that it is something from someones yard.. and the radio has mentioned a rock-type object that weighed about 30 lbs... why not get to the point and give a detailed description so that, just in case it was an object from one of the culprits homes, and the parents don't wanto say, maybe a neighbor can say :Hey! That was in the Jones' yard!!"??
The man died of injuries to his abdomen (so it was last reported, before it was head wounds).