Sad story from my town...


Kissy Goddess
It saddens me to think that there are a couple of kids out there right now that have yet to step forward and account for thier actions. (Story here)

What happened to remorse? Why haven't thier parents noticed that thier behaviours *must* be different?? Do they not have an idea that thier kids were out at that time of the night? Would they not know to question thier kids after hearing of such a horrible thing which is all over the news?

They are trying to keep the object that was thrown a secret, why? I mean, they ellude to the fact that it is something from someones yard.. and the radio has mentioned a rock-type object that weighed about 30 lbs... why not get to the point and give a detailed description so that, just in case it was an object from one of the culprits homes, and the parents don't wanto say, maybe a neighbor can say :Hey! That was in the Jones' yard!!"??

The man died of injuries to his abdomen (so it was last reported, before it was head wounds).



New Member

oh gawd that's a horrible story. He was probably somebody's grandpa. :cry2:

I can't figure why they wouldn't tell more about what the object was :confuse3:

Hopefully the perpetrators will feel guilty and start telling people, someone would turn them in.


That's just plain horrible. Too much shock TV, so they have to resort to things like this to get that shock effect.


Staff member
It scares me to think about when my boys get older. Seems to me that most kids today have no conscience whatsoever. As long as their happy thats all that matters. I agree with ya pad, way to much shock tv.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Are we actually going to blame this on the convenient scapegoat of TV? Where the hell were thbe parents.

Neo, if you'e half the father I suspect you are, you probably don't have too much to worry about. The very fact that it concerns you is a good sign.

We have somebody get killed this way about every 3 years down here. Idiot kids dropping things off overpasses, and through windshields. These experts are right, the little bastards who did this will be caught. They always are.


Ok, TV was a little generalized but what I was trying to get across is that there is so much shock effect in most everything we encounter in life. Commercials try to out shock the last commercial; signs getting bigger, bolder, closer to the street; credit card companies cramming your mailbox full of offers every day; the next movie has to be more violent than the last. It has to have some cumalative desensitizing effect, whether it was to the kids or the parents. Maybe these kids just plain weren't raised properly to begin with, maybe their parents have been desensitized to the point nothing shocks them anymore.


Staff member
Yep. Happened here too. 2 ladies were driving on I-75 when some kids dropped a 30 lb hunk of concrete off an overpass. It hit the driver directly in the head. She was killed instantly, but fortunately the passenger had her wits about her enough to get the car pulled over to the side of the road. Pretty impressive, if you ask me. I know I have my doubts about if I could have thought clearly enough to do that in that situation.

....and like the kids in this story from Canada, these kids found the hunks of concrete about a mile from the overpass, so they had every intention of of hurting people/ doing lots of damage. It wasn't a spur of the moment thing using whatever rocks happened to be laying around.:lurk:


Kissy Goddess
They cut out a big hole in the fencing they have on those overpasses. It was planned... but I don't think they thought beyond thier own enjoyment of the thrill and actually thought it would kill someone. Kids are like that. However, that does not excuse thier actions one bit and they should be held accountable for thier actions.

This is way to big a story for them to keep to themselves. They'll leak it to someone and so it goes......

I think the parents should also be held accountable, but I am not sure to what degree - or how.

There was all kinds of debris on the highway, so they have been doing for a while before they finally went too far - or thier "luck" ran out.

Can you imagine - this will destroy the lives of the families of not only the Older gentleman who died, but the of the families of the kids involved.


im a freak im so proud of that
thats so sad. where were the parents? what happened to kids who actully have morals and values????id like to know where the world went wrong and why crap like this happens. my thought is parents please discipline your children and teach them right from wrong. kids please obey your parents so that you might actully be productive members of society.