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  1. PostCode

    You are here

    Enjoy. :)
  2. PostCode

    Need some ideas

    Summer is just about here. I want to get my kids involved in something they can learn at and have fun at the same time. None of them want to go to any kind of summer camp and I don't want them droning out in front of the TV all summer long. So, I've decided to get my oldest and second oldest...
  3. PostCode

    Too good to not share

    Here's a shot of part of Multnomah Falls. This is isn't the actual falls themselves, but a lower falls coming off the big one. I couldn't get a shot of the falls themselves because they had the friggin thing all blocked off for reconstruction from storm damage. Regardless, here's a shot. The...
  4. PostCode

    A cool oops (large image)

    I was dinkin around with my camera the other night, trying some night shots out. This picture was supposed to come out nice and crisp but I bumped the camera while the shutter was open. Using an Olympus C-3020Z, with a focal length of 19.1mm, F-stop 7, a shutter speed of 4 seconds, and a little...
  5. PostCode

    How to ruin a marriage

    Do what this idiot did
  6. PostCode

    Ibm Sucks!

    This is the status on my drive. Keep in mind, I bought this drive in June of last year. This is the second time it has been sent back. So when do these dipshits plan on returning a drive to me anyway. Last time it took three months. Maybe four or five this time?
  7. PostCode

    Long week

    It's been a long week with no posting from me. I've been dedicating myself to getting through Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I'm all the way through and trying to kill the last guy. Tonight, the wife and I take the brats, I mean kids, to a ball game. Oh the sounds of summer. I do love this...
  8. PostCode

    Franks World O' WIndows

    WHatever happened to that site anyway. WHen did he close it all down?
  9. PostCode

    Put a bullet in my head if I ever get like this

    The story is a sad one. The disease is a killer to not only the one's it inflicts, but to the people who deal with it. Becoming Nellie The whole story isn't there. It's in today's paper, which contains a few images of her feeding him and washing him. Very tragic.
  10. PostCode

    Bad Carma

    A Hong Kong woman who jumped from the roof of a building in a suicide attempt is now being sued by the owner of the car she landed on. The woman is refusing to pay $25,000 for damage to the car because she says the car interfered with her suicide and was illegally parked.
  11. PostCode

    The First Clue Was When The 'victim' Tooted And Flew Across The Room

    In Munich, Germany, a man suspected of murder after he was seen carrying what a neighbor thought was a dead body into his apart-ment was cleared after he showed police his collection of rubber sex dolls. "Apparently, he had just been testing out a new acquisition when police arrived," said a...
  12. PostCode

    Drunken nuke techs many nuclear warheads do they still have? From an editorial in the Russian Kommersant newspaper on research finding that two-thirds of Russian men die drunk: "Everyone is drunk: murderers and their victims, drowning victims, suicides, drivers and pedestrians killed in traffic...
  13. PostCode

    Potty up, dude!

    Potty on, dude! A Florida man has invented the world's first inflatable toilet: The "Inflat-A-Potty"! It's a portable, plastic potty that you "blow up like a balloon." After you do your business, you let the air out and the "Inflat-A-Potty" becomes small enough to fit in your pocket!
  14. PostCode

    Looking, searching, seeking....

    SEEKING: Low level tools. Software such as hex editors, DOS editors, binary editors, BIOS mod utilites, BIOS info utilities (programs for reading the contents of the BIOS), programs for editing the BIOS (low level stuff), and any other programs for working with the hardware of a computer at the...
  15. PostCode

    Damn peacocks

    After the egg hunt on Easter Sunday, the young farm boy decided to play a prank. He went to the chicken coop and replaced every single egg with a brightly colored one. A few minutes later the rooster walked in saw all the colored eggs, then stormed outside and killed the peacock.
  16. PostCode

    Sure it wasen't his face that got trampled
  17. PostCode

    Interested in good tech docs?

    I found this site while doing some searching for information on ras/cas latency. DEW Associates Check out the knowledge and performance centers. Good information. The RAS/CAS latency stuff I found on their site can be found here.
  18. PostCode

  19. PostCode

    HWC hits

    I just checked the stats page. Kinda curious how many people are hitting the site and where they are coming from. A bunch of people are coming over from HWC discussions. Is there some kind of thread going on over there? What gives...2000+ hits from there forums.
  20. PostCode

    What to do

    What would you do if someone copied your site? Literally. Everything you created and someone copied it over to their server. Mirrored the whole damn thing. Check this crap out: Mirror of LinuxDiscussions