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  1. PostCode

    So it's not OS specific

    But we don't have a software forum so this is where it'll since it's software. Anyone out there tired of MS Office might want to give OpenOffice a shot. Heel of a deal considering it's free. I've used it for sometime now and have had NO problem importing any MS .doc files into it. Although I...
  2. PostCode

    Is UnitedLinux a Good Idea?

    Is UnitedLinux a Good Idea?
  3. PostCode

    Microsoft Says Linux on Desktops Would Hurt Growth

    Microsoft Says Linux on Desktops Would Hurt Growth I spent my money on something I can actually use. :lol:
  4. PostCode

    Judge likens Microsoft to Tonya Harding

    Judge likens Microsoft to Tonya Harding :lol:
  5. PostCode

    Name change

    Should I keep using the name CompTech or should I go back to using my original name, PostCode?
  6. PostCode

    Only $1998

    Awfully expensive for a test to certify someone with no experience with a cli. RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials
  7. PostCode

    End of the road for SETI?

    The only DC project I even have a remote interest in looks to be coming to a possible end. Well, if it does, then I think my time with DC projects will come to an end. Tech-crash threatens to take down SETI@home
  8. PostCode

    Here's another one

    What happened to The Screen Saver? Care to enlighten me on this?
  9. PostCode

    I'll remember you

    I didn't know him that well. I worked on his computer a few times. His kids liked to install things on it and generally messed it up pretty good. Chuck was a good guy though. He just got it fixed for them when he couldn't do it himself. A couple days ago, Chuck Hanners and two fellow...
  10. PostCode

  11. PostCode

    Great quotes

    You'll feel brilliant after you read these quotes... Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is...
  12. PostCode

    You didn't want that data did you?,3973,717213,00.asp
  13. PostCode

    Windows Messanger Spam It's only within 2K and XP, possibly NT 4 (can't remember) that this is an issue.
  14. PostCode

    Shot turned out pretty good

    It's a shot of my wife and our teenage daughter. the one who does the drawing. Anyway, this shot came out pretty good I think. Just had to share it.
  15. PostCode

    Bombs Away!

    Took this down in Sacramento while we were visiting some friends. Little Will took to showing the other brats, I mean kids, what a swimming pool was made for. :)
  16. PostCode

    Making changes

    I see. New logo thingie, bars and stuff. Spiffy.
  17. PostCode

    Someone want to explain this one to me...

    WTF? Was xi hacked or something? Did I miss something again? Came online a bit ago and got this:
  18. PostCode

    Get your WinXP keygen in here

    haha Made ya look. :D Boredom is a killer.
  19. PostCode

    Just took it

    Here's a shot from my back deck. Just took it about 10 minutes before posting it here.
  20. PostCode

    New Games

    Does anyone here have Divine Divinity or Lord of The Rings games yet?